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groff keymap : groff latin1/cp1252/utf-8 keymap conversion file

 script karma  Rating 1/1, Downloaded by 599  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Pedro Alejandro López-Valencia
script type
This is a demonstration of the kind of abuse vim can handle and the
mischief you can accomplish without delving into VimL
programming. You don't need emacs to brew coffee....

This keymap works with groff and the default Western fonts
supplied with the PostScript output device. It should work with ATT ditroff
as well because I used the old ATT syntax, but you may be in for a disappointing
surprise in such case: accented characters will be mostly faked.

This file covers codepage win-1252, because that's what I use in my
workstation. If you use some sort of Unix, your default codepage
will be ISO-8859-1, also known as Latin-1.  There are several
obvious differences, all additions in the decimal codepoints 128-159
are control codes in Latin-1.

If you need a different keymap, say for latin2 or cyrillic, you are
welcome to use these example files as a starting point. As well,
I'll appreciate if you contribute them back to this package in order to
have a centralized distribution (you are welcome to take over
ownership, I don't look much at this package anymore!). I strongly
recommend that in such case, you use groff 1.19.1 or a later version
because it can handle proper unicode decomposition.

While testing these keymap files I discovered an intersting
side-effect due to the way vim manages keymap files. Namely, that
the _active_ key mappings are those you can actually access with the
keyboard while in insert mode. If you can switch your keyboard
mappings on-the-fly, as recent versions of Windows, can, you can
type several different Western Europe languages by switching
keyboard mappings at the OS level.

For example, in my keyboard with an Standard Spanish layout, there
is no way to access directly an etsset «ß» using this keymap,
therefore the keymapping doesn't work. That is, I can type
<ctr-k>ss but it won't expand to the troff request \(ss --- \[ss] in
native groff parlance --- but rather the 8-byte code «ß» as defined
in the encoding; if I switch the keyboard driver to some German keybaord
driver (e.g., Swiss German) it will work though.
install details
Install files in $VIM/vimfiles/keymap for a global installation.

For a local installation use $HOME/.vim/keymap if using some UNIX/Linux, or $HOME/vimfiles/keymap if using windows.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
groff_keymap-1_0.tbz 1.0 2004-08-03 6.0 Pedro Alejandro López-Valencia Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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