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Vim Scripts (add script)

script: Middle English, from Latin scriptum, things written, a plan of action

Recent Script Updates (browse all | search)
[2024-09-12]  shellcheck.vim : Vim wrapper for ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts.
(1.1.1) - Fix gb map - Joshua Priddle
[2024-09-10]  link.vim : Keep long URLs out of your way
(1.0.4) Rename the plugin - Qad Zek
[2024-09-10]  ruscmd : Support command mode in Russian keyboard layout
(1.5) vimball - Alex Efros
[2024-09-08]  setpwsh : A Vim plugin to improve powershell integration.
(1.0.1) AutoInstall support added. To install :source the vimball file (setpwsh.vmb). This simplifies update which is performed automatically whenever :GLVS is called. - Miguel Barro
[2024-09-08]  cpptags : ftplugin that customizes 'tagfunc' for C++ files
(1.0.1) Added autoinstall support. - Miguel Barro
[2024-09-07]  diffunitsyntax : Highlight word or character based diff units in diff format
(1.0) Initial upload - Rick Howe
[2024-09-03]  mutt-query-complete.vim : complete e-mail addresses in Vim by your favorite query_command
(1.0) ignition - Enno Nagel
[2024-09-01]  vim-cpywrite : Generate copyright headers for any open source license
(0.8.2) New file type: Cpp2/cppfront; more extension mappings for Pascal; improved error message for Neovim - Robert Di Pardo
Displaying 10 of 5956 (more)

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