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script: Middle English, from Latin scriptum, things written, a plan of action

Recent Script Updates (browse all | search)
[2024-11-12]  SameSyntaxMotion : Motions to the borders of the same syntax highlighting.
(1.10) - CHG: Highlight group / same color is not considered any longer; only the syntax ID itself counts. There's now the SameHighlightMotion.vim plugin for moving along pure highlighting, so let's sharpen the focus of this one. In practice, this change likely makes no difference in most cases, as syntax definitions and colors usually are defined in parallel. - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-12]  ReplaceWithRegister : Replace text with the contents of a register.
(1.44) - The gr custom operator doesn't clobber the previous visual selection any longer (if the optional ingo-library.vim (vimscript #4433) is installed). - BUG: gr{motion} deletes one additional character when the moved-over text starts at the end of a line and 'virtualedit' is off. (Reported by sawogus29.) Need to temporarily :set virtualedit=onemore. - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-12]  visualrepeat : Repeat command extended to visual mode.
(1.33) - Adapt: Compatibility: Adding one character to previous exclusive selection not needed since Vim 9.0.1172 in visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode(). - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-12]  RelativeNumberCurrentWindow : Only show relative numbers in the currently active window.
(1.11) - Compatibility: Use TermOpen event in Neovim. Thanks for Gee19 for providing a patch. - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-12]  QuickFixCurrentNumber : Locate the quickfix item at the cursor position.
(1.20) - BUG: [q / ]q get stuck if there are multiple errors at one position. - :[CL]nr now reports number ranges if there are multiple items at the cursor position. - :[CL]go allows [count] to go to following items at the cursor position - Robustness: Limit the reported item column to the actual line length to avoid that iteration with [q / ]q gets stuck. - FIX: Iteration with reported virtual columns throws "E117: Unknown function: vcol" - [q / ]q / g<C-Q> open a closed fold after the jump to make the target line / quickfix entry visible. - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-12]  PrevInsertComplete : Recall and insert mode completion for previously inserted text.
(2.00) - CHG: q<C-@> direct recall mapping is broken in GVIM 8.2 (cp. https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/6457#issuecomment-658960270); choose different q<A-a> default to avoid these issues. - ENH: Allow naming of (important) insertions similar to the built-in registers, and offer a shortlist of the last 9 recalls, too - previous recalls likely get recalled again. - CHG: Insert recalled insertion before the cursor when on the first column, and allow to tweak that via g:PrevInsertComplete_RecallInsertStrategy. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.044! *** - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-12]  PatternsOnText : Advanced commands to apply regular expressions.
(2.21) - :SubstituteChoices: CHG: Beep and continue querying on invalid accelerator key or number; only <Esc> or Ctrl-C abort. - :SubstituteChoices: Show the [part of the] current line with the current match highlighted with IncSearch, and other matches with Search, for a better overview of where we are. Thanks to Vitaly for the suggestion. - :SubstituteChoices: BUG: 10th, 20th, etc. entry cannot be selected by number if it is the last. - :SubstituteChoices: BUG: Don't add accelerators for numbers, as those interfere with the by-count selection. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.045! *** - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-12]  PatternComplete : Insert mode completion for matches of queried / last search pattern.
(1.20) - ENH: Add <C-x> g ... mappings to insert all pattern matches joined into a Bash-like Brace Expression. - CHG: <C-x>/ and <C-x>* insert mode mappings now grab the WORD before the cursor as a preset for editing (unless a separated /{pattern}/ is found). Using other completions to build the pattern is a common use case, the delimiters are often forgotten, selection is cumbersome and slow, and often there's a natural whitespace boundary, anyway. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.033! *** - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-10]  LineJugglerCommands : Commands to duplicate and move around lines.
(1.22) - Adapt: :BlankLine needs to check <count> == -1 instead of <line2> to support current line as well as a lnum of 0 (since Vim 8.1.1241). - Ingo Karkat
[2024-11-10]  LineJuggler : Duplicate and move around lines.
(2.12) - BUG: Exchange via [E sometimes loses lines when folding happens in between the two range swaps. Temporarily disable folding during the second replacement. Thanks to Ilya Tumaykin for reporting this. - ENH: Overload [<Space> and ]<Space> to prepend / append blank line(s) to the given non-default register. - Adapt: Compatibility: Adding one character to previous exclusive selection not needed since Vim 9.0.1172 - Ingo Karkat
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