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Vim Scripts (add script)

script: Middle English, from Latin scriptum, things written, a plan of action

Recent Script Updates (browse all | search)
[2025-01-17]  Mark : Highlight several words in different colors simultaneously. (#1238 continued)
(3.3.0) - Expose mark#mark#AnyMarkPattern(). - Robustness: Place the ColorScheme initialization also in the MarkInitialization autocommand group. - Robustness: Add check for existence and compatible version of ingo-library. - ENH: Add <Leader>gm mapping for non-whole word matching like |gstar|. Contributed by Carl Smith. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.046! *** - Ingo Karkat
[2025-01-17]  ingo-library : Vimscript library of common functions.
(1.046) - ENH: Add ingo#version#Has() that allows plugins to assert a compatible ingo-library version and handle missing dependency gracefully. - Small fixes and API enhancements to ingo#query#fromlist#Query[AsText](). - Ingo Karkat
[2025-01-11]  vim-highlighter : Highlight words and expressions
(1.63.3) Improve HiSearch() function   :h HiSearch - Azabiong
[2025-01-08]  ESI VPS FEA-Solver Syntax Highlighting : Syntax Highlighting for ESI VPS (Pam-Crash) FEA-Solver
(13.1) Various Bugfixes - Roman Firt
[2024-12-30]  vim-quickui : The missing UI extensions for Vim 9
(1.4.7) - Fix using an invalid scratch buffer. - Wei Lin
[2024-12-27]  litrepl : Markdown/LaTeX code section execution plugin
(3.11.0) Supported the shell family of interpreters; Made code section names adjustable; Fixed cursor handling in `LEvalMon`; Improved error reporting - Sergei Mironov
[2024-12-24]  VimMyTools.vim : python and buffer navigation utility
(1.0) Initial upload - John Pazarzis
Displaying 10 of 5962 (more)

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