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wc.vim : Manuscript word counter - Strunk & White style

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Provides word count for manuscripts (essay or story documents), compliant with standard author rules (such as Strunk & White style lexicon for English grammar).

Standard word count utilities (like unix 'wc') do not provide an accurate count because they count breaks between words.  In fiction writing, some sentences--like this one--have more words than breaks between words..

To use, install and type :WC

Line ranges are supported.

To count the lines of a particular section of a document, insert a new line with 8 dashes, and the count will stop at that line.
Like that.

The word count also ignores the common author mark for section breaks using asterisk as shown below.

* * *

This script is based on the sed 'wc' example provided in the GNU info pages; the algorithm replaces each whitespace seperated word by a single character and then counts the length of the string.

install details
Copy to vim plugin directory.
Use with :WC command.


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package script version date Vim version user release notes
wc.vim 1.0 2005-01-28 6.0 jcline Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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