ocaml.annot.pl : Displays OCaml type annotations
script karma |
Rating 9/5,
Downloaded by 1514 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
David Baelde |
script type |
utility |
description |
When editing a OCaml file for which annotations have been compiled, press <F3> and get a message with the type of the value under the cursor.
I didn't want to use the python code from original ocaml.vim in omlet.vim (script_id=1196), so I wrote this tiny hack using an external perl script -- no need for feature "perl". I only print out the first line, because I found no convenient way to print everything without having the message bar to grow big, mess the screen and have a prompt... To be continued.
install details |
Add this to your .vimrc, supposing you put ocaml.annot.pl in you ~/.vim/scripts:
autocmd FileType omlet nmap <F3> :exec 'echomsg (system("~/.vim/scripts/ocaml.annot.pl' bufname('%') (line2byte(line('.'))+col('.')-1) '"))'<RETURN>
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