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Pida : A graphical IDE that uses Vim as its editor over the client-server protocol.

 script karma  Rating 53/16, Downloaded by 1114  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ali Afshar
script type
I personally believe that Pida offers a unique experience for programmers and other Vim users. It is essentially an IDE, except that it lives entirely outside the text editor (Vim) and all the other tools it uses.

It is written in Python, and uses the GTK toolkit.

Once installed, you can run Pida to connect to existing "vim -g" or "vim --servername <name>" sessions, or run in embedded mode, to embed a single instance of Vim much like a conventional IDE.

Please visit http://pida.berlios.de/ for the application website (there may be newer verisons there) for more details, or see a (large) screenshot of pida being used to develop itself at http://pida.berlios.de/images/5/5c/Pida_embed.png.

Pida is still early at this stage, and I very much appreciate all types of bug reporting, advice, criticism etc.
install details
Decompress the package and use the command:

python setup.py install

(you may need root access)

Note: We also provide Debian packages at http://pida.berlios.de/

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
pida_0.2.2.tar.gz 0.2.2 2005-08-05 6.0 Ali Afshar ;Pastebin plugin : Allows pasting of entered, and yanked text to the rafb.net
and #Pida pastebins.

;Culebra plugin : Editor using GTSourceView, including syntax highlighting,
block indent, block comment, and intelligent Python code completion, can be used in
place of Vim.

;Per-filetype Plugins : Plugins can be optionally displayed and hidden for
different file-types.

;Mercurial support : Basic support has been added to the project plugin to
support the Mercurial version control system.

;Filetype handling : Plugins can be configured to be displayed per filetype.

;Terminal support : Xterm can be used in place of the internal VTE widget.

;Layout : Added options for alternate layouts.

;Buffer list : Display parent directory of buffer filename in buffer list.

;First time-run wizard to select required components.
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