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vimplate : template system for vim  (example for C++, Perl, LaTeX and make)

 script karma  Rating 181/57, Downloaded by 3106  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Urs Stotz
script type
1. Description
2. Usage
3. Subroutines
4. Example
5. Documentation
6. Depends
7. Installation

1. Description                                        *vimplate-description*

Vimplate provides an extensible and powerful template processing system.
It is based on Perl and Template-Toolkit.
You can create templates for program code, makefiles, letters, html pages,
latex etc. As example vimplate contains templates for C++, LaTeX, Perl
and Makefile.
With vimplate you can write templates which interact with the user.
For themes are the functions choice() and input().
You can choose different locale for the function date() and locale().
You can write your own perl code directly in the templates.

In case you find my template useful,
or have suggestions for improvements, please let me know.

If you write a new template,
and  would like me to add it to the vimplate package
please send it to: stotz@gmx.ch

2. Usage                                                    *vimplate-usage*

  :Vimplate <template> [options]
    choice <template> whit <TAB> (command line completion is supported).
    With <TAB> all templates are listed.
        Use the information form user <username> while parsing templates.
        Search templatefiles in <templatedir>.

3. Subroutines                                         *vimplate-subroutines*

  locale()                  for locale please see: man locale
  [% loc=locale() %]        get the current locale
                              and write it to the variable loc
  [% locale('C') %]         set global the current locale to C
  [% locale('de_DE') %]     set global the current locale to de_DE
  date()                    for date please see: man date
  [% date('%c') %]          print the current date
                              with the current locale setting
  [% date('de_DE', '%c') %] print the current date with the locale de_DE
  [% var=input() %]         read input from user
                              and write it to the variable var
  [% day=choice('day:', 'Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa') %]
                            let the user choice between different values
                            and write it to the variable day

  please try :Vimplate Test

4. Example                                                *vimplate-example*

a LaTeX Template:
the generated LaTeX File:
a Makefile Template for LaTeX:
the generated Makefile:
c++ Templates:
the generated class:
the generated class with doxygen:
a perl Template:
the genereated program:
the genereated program with Log4Perl:

  the template letter.tt:
       sex=choice('sex: ', 'female', 'male')
       name=input('name: ')
       location=input('your location: ')
                       [% ucfirst(location) %], [% date('C', '%b %d, %Y') %]

    Dear [% IF sex=='female'; 'Ms'; ELSE; 'Mr'; END %] [% ucfirst(name) %]



    [% user.firstname %] [% user.lastname %]

  run vim:
    :Vimplate letter
      0) female
      1) male
    name: Meier
    your location: Olten

  your input was:
    :Vimplate letter<CR>0<CR>Meier<CR>Olten<CR>

  this will produce this letter:
                                      Olten, Jul 11, 2005

    Dear Ms Meier



    Urs Stotz

  the template hpp-default.tt:
    [% classname=input('Class name: ')
       doxygen=choice('with Doxygen comments: ', 'no', 'yes')
    #ifndef [% uc(classname) %]_HPP
    #define [% uc(classname) %]_HPP

    [% IF doxygen=='yes' -%]
     * @brief [% classname %] ... short description ...
     * @author [% user.firstname %] [% user.lastname %] <[% user.mail %]>
     * @date [% date('%Y-%m-%d') %]
     * ... description ...

    [% END -%]
    class [% classname %]
    [% IF doxygen=='yes' -%]

         * Default constructor
    [% END -%]
        [% classname %]();
    [% IF doxygen=='yes' -%]

         * Copy constructor
         * @param other reference on object to copy
    [% END -%]
        [% classname %](const [% classname %]& other);
    [% IF doxygen=='yes' -%]

         * Assignment operator
         * @param other reference on object to copy
         * @return reference on initialisated object
    [% END -%]
        [% classname %]& operator=(const [% classname %]& other);
    [% IF doxygen=='yes' -%]

         * Destructor
    [% END -%]
        virtual ~[% classname %]();

    [% IF doxygen=='yes' -%]

         * Base initialisation should be called
         * at beginning of each constructor
    [% END -%]
        void init();
    [% IF doxygen=='yes' -%]

     * Method to copy each member (deep copy)
     * @param other reference on object to copy
    [% END -%]
        void init(const [% classname %]& other);

    #endif /* #ifndef [% uc(classname) %]_HPP */

  run vim:
    :Vimplate hpp-default
    Class name: Parent
    with Doxygen comments:
      0) no
      1) yes

  your input was:
    :Vimplate hpp-default<CR>Parent<CR>1<CR>

  this will produce this c++ include file:
    #ifndef PARENT_HPP
    #define PARENT_HPP

     * @brief Parent ... short description ...
     * @author Urs Stotz <stotz@gmx.ch>
     * @date 2005-07-18
     * ... description ...

    class Parent

         * Default constructor

         * Copy constructor
         * @param other reference on object to copy
        Parent(const Parent& other);

         * Assignment operator
         * @param other reference on object to copy
         * @return reference on initialisated object
        Parent& operator=(const Parent& other);

         * Destructor
        virtual ~Parent();


         * Base initialisation should be called
         * at beginning of each constructor
        void init();

         * Method to copy each member (deep copy)
         * @param other reference on object to copy
        void init(const Parent& other);

    #endif /* #ifndef PARENT_HPP */

5. Documentation                                    *vimplate-documentation*

  - http://typedef.ch/vimplate
  - http://www.template-toolkit.org/docs.html
  - http://perldoc.perl.org/perl.html

  - better exception handling
  - write more templates

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published
  by the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  for more details.

  A copy of the GNU GPL is available as /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2
  on Debian systems, or on the World Wide Web at
  You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

  Copyright (c) 2005, Urs Stotz <stotz@gmx.ch>

  vimplate 0.2.3
install details
6. Depends:                                               *vimplate-depends*

Debian Users:
Vimplate is part of vim-scripts >= 7.0.5  thanks: Stefano Zacchiroli and Michael Piefel
  apt-get install vim-scripts

    Windows users:
    or apt-get install libtemplate-perl
    or perl -MCPAN -e"install Template"
    Windows users:
      ppm install
      ppm install

  TT2 syntax:

7. Installation                                      *vimplate-installation*

Installation steps:
  1. change to your $HOME/.vim directory
       (on windows: set the variable HOME
         set HOME=c:\vim)
  2. untar vimplate.tar.gz: gzip -dc vimplate.tar.gz |tar xpvf -
  3. move the vimplate into your preferred directory
      for example in $HOME/bin or /usr/local/bin
  4. move the directory Template with the example templates
      to the place that you prefer
  5. edit your $HOME/.vimrc and set the variable Vimplate to
      to the place where vimplate is located
      for example let Vimplate = "$HOME/bin/vimplate"
        (on windows: let Vimplate = "%HOME%/bin/vimplate.cmd" )
  6. run vimplate to create your configuration file $HOME/.vimplaterc
      for example $HOME/bin/vimplate -createconfig
        (on windows: %HOME%/bin/vimplate.cmd -createconfig" )
  7. edit your $HOME/.vimplaterc
       (on windows: %HOME%/_vimplaterc)
  8. change to the $HOME/.vim/doc directory,
      start Vim and run the ":helptags ." command to process the
      taglist help file. (see: |helptags| )
  9. happy vimplating

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimplate-0.2.3.tar.gz 0.2.3 2005-08-20 6.0 Urs Stotz The perl vimplate script is running now also on Windows.
A vim help added.
Dokumentation written for Windows ActiveState Perl User.
Templates for C++, Perl, LaTeX and make revised.
vimplate-0.2.2.tar.gz 0.2.2 2005-07-18 6.0 Urs Stotz Better templates for C++. Now with choose between Doxygen comments or non comments.
Vimplate should be running on Windows when there Template-Toolkit is installed.
ip used for rating:

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