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The Vim Gardener : Dark and colorful forrest khaki theme works with 256 color xterms

 script karma  Rating 39/15, Downloaded by 6889  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Maestro Entheon
script type
color scheme
  'For code surgeons and web gardeners everywhere'

A nice earthy  color scheme which is easy on  the eyes. It
has  as it's  base a  dark background  monocrhomatic khaki
scheme with dabs of color thrown  in here and there on the
keywords. It's gives you the feeling of looking at the sun through
the afternoon spring leaves, but all at night time :)

Plus  lots of  extra config  options so  you can
tweak  it to  your liking  and or  make it  more like  the
original Guardian scheme. All the defaults are what I like
but if you want to change stuff just set the right var and
it will change pretty much  immediately, you might have to
move out of and back into your buffer for it to refresh.

New Features:
  256 Color XTerm Compatibility
  Richer Syntax
  Black Background
  No Italics
  Purple Booleans
  Swapped Status Line Colors
  Green like a garden
  Other minor tweaks

install details
put the gardener.vim file into your ~/.vim/colors/ dir then from within vim do
:colorscheme gardener

if you're in the terminal and the colorscheme command doesn't work or it turns your file into black and white, then from within vim you'll need to do
:set t_Co=256

you'll probably want to put that in your ~/.vimrc

you also need 256 color support compiled into your terminal, I've tested this with both xterm and rxvt, they both work fine with default settings as long as you do :set t_Co=256 and as long as the terminal was compiled with the --enable-256-color option

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
gardener.vim 1.1 2005-10-18 6.0 Maestro Entheon this is what i've been using for the past few months and I've probably put some tweaks on it though i can't remember all of what exactly - eventually i'm going to make the gui colors identical to the terminal colors because i think the terminal actually looks better than the gui atm - that'll be version 1.2 when i do that
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