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HP-41 syntax file : Syntax highlighting for HP-41 calculator programs

 script karma  Rating 93/24, Downloaded by 2905  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Geir Isene
script type
The HP-41 syntax highlighting goes well with the HP-41 file type plugin to facilitate easy writing of HP-41 programs in VIM.

There is a matching file type plugin here:
install details
Drop the hp41.vim syntax file into your .vim/syntax/ directory and register the file globally or add to your .vimrc file:

autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.41 :source ~/.vim/syntax/hp41.vim

Then all files with the .41 extesion will be highlighted appropriately.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
hp41.vim 0.9 2018-02-27 7.0 Geir Isene Various improvements :-)
hp41.vim 0.8 2012-02-05 7.0 Geir Isene Cleanup glitches in highlighting Alpha entries. Conditionals are better highlighted (as Comment)
hp41.vim 0.7 2010-11-18 5.7 Geir Isene Conditionals are now highlighted (as "Function")
hp41.vim 0.6 2010-11-18 5.7 Geir Isene Changed coloring. Added highlighting of END. Changed highlighting of LBL to fit with Raw format.
hp41.vim 0.4 2005-12-10 6.0 Geir Isene Changed syntax for alpha from a single quote (') to alpha being enclosed in double quotes (") to conform to the new ftplugin file that makes it easier to genereate .RAW files.
hp41.vim 0.2 2005-09-25 6.0 Geir Isene Added correct syntax highlighting for alpha labels.
hp41.vim 0.1 2005-09-20 6.0 Geir Isene Initial upload
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