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php.vim : PHP Syntax

 script karma  Rating 857/363, Downloaded by 54960  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Peter Hodge
script type
PHP syntax file, with several bug fixes, improvements and additions.  Should be up-to-date with all features of PHP 5.1.4.  If anything is missing, broken, not working well on your setup, or an inconvenience for you, please let me know, all feedback is welcome: <toomuchphp-vim at yahoo.com>.

New and improved highlighting features include:

- User-defined special functions (__autoload(), __construct(), etc)
- Built-in constants (STDIN, STR_PAD_LEFT, etc)
- Built-in classes (stdClass, Exception, Reflection, etc)
- Built-in interfaces (Iterator, Serializable, etc)
- Complex expressions inside double-quoted strings using { }
- Support for PCRE patterns
  (Patterns are only recognized if the pattern is inside the
  function call.)
- Braces are colored to help you see when they are mismatched.

* You can find a complete list of available options near the top of the syntax file.

* Release 0.9 is the official 'stable' release, however I do encourage you to use the latest version as it shouldn't have any bugs either.
install details
Copy php.vim to:
  c:\program files\vim\vimfiles\syntax\php.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
php.tar.gz 0.9.7 2008-05-06 6.0 Peter Hodge Many small bug fixes and improvements
php.tar.gz 0.9.6 2006-10-27 6.0 Peter Hodge Highlights ';' errors in many more places, can now fold array() structures as well.
php.tar.gz 0.9.5 2006-10-23 6.0 Peter Hodge New colors for { } around class/function/try/catch code blocks.  Better errors when a brace or semicolon is out of place.  Options can be configured globally or separately for each buffer.
php.tar.gz 0.9.4 2006-08-07 6.0 Peter Hodge Now supports multi-line patterns and double-quoted patterns (but no variable substitution yet)
php.tar.gz 0.9.3 2006-07-20 6.0 Peter Hodge Improved support for PCRE patterns, fixed variable substituion in strings, added option to highlight '->' in an alternate color when used for object properties.
syntax.tar.gz 0.9.2 2006-06-25 6.0 Peter Hodge Improved support for preg* functions, added support for most built-in constants
syntax.tar.gz 0.9.1 2006-06-15 6.0 Peter Hodge Alpha support for regular expressions inside preg_*() functions, plus some very minor additions.
php.vim 0.9 2006-06-08 6.0 Peter Hodge Initial upload
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