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css.vim : CSS compiler file

 script karma  Rating 12/5, Downloaded by 1448  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Cosimo Streppone
script type
This compiler script allows to validate CSS files within vim, through W3C's CSS validation web-service. The compiler file invokes a helper perl script that connects to jigsaw.w3.org and reports all css errors and warnings, showing them up directly in the vim buffer (with :copen command, BTW).

Surely the script can be made better in many ways.
Suggestions welcome!

- a [dr]ecent perl interpreter installed
- WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C module installed from CPAN.
install details
Installation is done in two simple steps:

1) Copy the css.vim compiler file to your vim's compiler folder (usually /usr/share/vim/vimxx/compiler)

2) Copy the `validate_css' perl script to your favourite binary folder (usually /usr/local/bin will do). This folder should be in your $PATH.

For the perl script to work, you should have WebService::Validator::CSS:W3C
perl module installed. If you don't have this module installed, the script will prompt you and try to install it automatically from CPAN.
If this doesn't succeed, try the following command on your shell:
  perl -MCPAN -e 'install WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C'

If even this does not work, point your browser to:

and follow the instructions.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
CssValidator-0.1.tar.gz 0.1 2006-06-19 6.0 Cosimo Streppone Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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