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str2numchar.vim : String convert to Numeric Character Reference

 script karma  Rating 0/0, Downloaded by 1245  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
yuichi tateno
script type
Author:       secondlife <hotchpotch@NOSPAM@gmail.com>
Last Change:  2006 Sep 02
Version: 0.1, for Vim 7.0

This plugin is String convert to Numeric Character Reference
and String convert to Hex Literal

for example:
:echo Str2HexLiteral('abcd')
:echo Str2NumChar('abcd')

==================== file str2numchar.vimrc ====================
vmap <silent> sn :Str2NumChar<CR>
vmap <silent> sh :Str2HexLiteral<CR>
==================== end: str2numchar.vimrc ====================
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
str2numchar.vim 0.2 2006-09-10 7.0 yuichi tateno backslash delete bug fix.
thx mk.
str2numchar.vim 0.1 2006-09-01 7.0 yuichi tateno Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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