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freya : A dark color scheme with warm colors

 script karma  Rating 173/85, Downloaded by 11736  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Georg Dahn
script type
color scheme
This color scheme has a dark blackground. Most colors are very warm (mainly brown and beige shades). The brightness of all highlights is rather similar.

This color scheme is for GUI only, but makes some minor tweaks to cterm, too.
install details
Just put it in "~/.vim/colors" or in "<your vim directory>\vimfiles\colors" on Windows. Do ":colo freya" to apply it. If you want to install it as your default color scheme, just add "colo freya" to your vimrc file.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
freya.vim 1.2.3 2013-09-11 7.0 Georg Dahn changed color of MatchParen, made CursorLineNr lighter.
freya.vim 1.2.3 2013-09-11 7.0 Georg Dahn Added CursorLineNr.
freya.vim 1.2.2 2007-04-07 6.0 Georg Dahn Changed colors of Constant and PreProc, such that they can be distinguished more easily from other highlight groups.
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