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cf.vim : Syntax file for ColdFusion

 script karma  Rating 81/27, Downloaded by 3044  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Steven Severinghaus
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This is a reasonably complete syntax file for ColdFusion, up to at least version 7.0. I have pored over the LiveDocs fairly thoroughly to make sure that every valid tag, attribute, and function is included; nonetheless, if you find a problem, please let me know! The only current shortcoming that I'm aware of is that deprecated items are not highlighted properly, though they are tagged with the "Error" class.

Two screenshots are available, one of plain CFML and one of a ColdFusion component:
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
cf.vim 0.1.3 2007-02-23 6.0 Steven Severinghaus Updated to include all valid attributes in CF7; marked even more deprecated tags.
cf.vim 0.1.2 2007-02-23 6.0 Steven Severinghaus Noted a few more deprecated functions as of CF6.1, though they're still not highlighting as I'd like (the "Error" class seems to be ignored).
cf.vim 0.1.1 2006-11-30 6.0 Steven Severinghaus Credit to Jeff Lanzarotta for original version; more complete lists of tags, attributes, and functions; a couple of deprecated tags.
cf.vim 0.1 2006-11-29 7.0 Steven Severinghaus Initial upload
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