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lua-support : Lua-IDE -- Write and run Lua-scripts using menus and hotkeys

 script karma  Rating 179/74, Downloaded by 5677  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Fritz Mehner
script type
***** This plug-in is no longer supported *****

The successor for this plugin is Lua Support 2 :


- insert various types of comments
- insert complete statements (e.g. 'if then else end' )
- insert often used code snippets (e.g. empty function, open file)
- read, write, maintain your own code snippets in a separate directory
- run scripts or run syntax check from within the editor
- show compilation erros in a quickfix window; navigate with hotkeys

This plug-in comes with a help file (luasupport.txt). Read it with

    :help luasupport
install details
Copy the zip archive  lua-support.zip  to $HOME/.vim/ or $VIM/vimfiles (on the Windows platforms) and run
    unzip lua-support.zip
See also the README file within the zip file.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
lua-support.zip 1.1 2007-07-02 6.0 Fritz Mehner + New menu item and key mapping to adjust end-of-line comments.
+ New insert mode mappings.
+ A few mappings have been renamed (to bring them into line with my C/C++).
+ New global variable for Lua compiler and interpreter name.
+ Better adaption for console mode.
+ Better adaption for MS Windows.
+ Snippets can now be managed in the console mode.
lua-support.zip 1.0 2007-01-11 7.0 Fritz Mehner Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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