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vibrantink : A Vim port of Justin Palmer's VibrantInk theme for TextMate

 script karma  Rating 131/56, Downloaded by 9821  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Jo Vermeulen
script type
color scheme
Based on John Lam's rudimentary Vim version of Justin Palmer's Vibrant Ink color scheme for TextMate. This scheme also works on 256 color terminals.

Screenshot at http://jozilla.net/images/software/scripts/vibrantink.png
install details
Just copy it into ~/.vim/colors/, as with other color schemes.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
vibrantink.vim 1.3 2009-03-05 6.0 Jo Vermeulen No new functionality, just a small change to the description (the original TextMate theme is actually called "Vibrant Ink" instead of "VibrantInk").
vibrantink.vim 1.2 2007-07-30 6.0 Jo Vermeulen Added license information.
vibrantink.vim 1.1 2007-04-10 6.0 Jo Vermeulen Updated to support CursorLine highlighting (new in Vim 7.0), using the same colors as the original Textmate theme. Thanks to Eustaquio Rangel De Oliveira Jr. (username TaQ) for mentioning this problem to me.
vibrantink.vim 1.0 2007-02-05 7.0 Jo Vermeulen Initial upload
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