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c16gui : A default-looking GUI color scheme of the 16 colors

 script karma  Rating -3/5, Downloaded by 955  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Hideyuki Kobayashi
script type
color scheme
c16gui is a GUI color scheme composed of the sixteen colors, which simulates
the default scheme.

screen shots: http://www.geocities.jp/e27874/
install details
The zip archive contains two files, colors/c16gui.vim and syntax/c16gui.vim.
Locate the "colors/c16gui.vim" in your "$HOME/.vim/colors" directory.
Locate the "syntax/c16gui.vim" in your "$HOME/.vim/syntax" directory.
Now, you've got two files in your computer, the "$HOME/.vim/colors/c16gui.vim"
and the "$HOME/.vim/syntax/c16gui.vim".

- You might have to set the 'background' option explicitly before loading the
  color scheme.
- When you change highlightings for some groups, the "syntax/c16gui.vim" will
  help you.  It is an auto-highlighting syntax file.  You can see the sixteen
  colors by browsing that file itself.  Type ":set syn=c16gui" after entering
  the file if the 'modeline' option is off.  The ":syntax enable" will also be
  needed to make it work.

Example of the "$HOME/.gvimrc":
  set bg=light
  colorscheme c16gui
  hi DiffText guifg=#ffffff
  hi DiffChange guifg=fg

For Win32, the directory "$HOME/.vim" is "%HOME%\vimfiles", and the file
"$HOME/.gvimrc" is "%HOME%\_gvimrc".  See ":help 'runtimepath'" for details.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
c16gui.zip 1.0.1 2007-11-04 7.0 Hideyuki Kobayashi CursorIM removed, DiffAdd and DiffDelete changed.
c16gui.zip 1.0 2007-02-18 7.0 Hideyuki Kobayashi Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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