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NetSend.vim : NetSend.vim: Plugin for sending messages using MS net send

 script karma  Rating 22/8, Downloaded by 1433  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
J. Manuel Picaza
script type
Plugin for sending messages with the 'net send' MS command.
It keeps the name of the users you send messages in a file and you can access them with the <tab> key.
Navigation through menu (Plugin->NetSend->...) you can send messages, add users and remove them.
You can also open the file with the user names and edit directly.

You can use the menu in "Plugin->NetSend-> or:
Insert ':NetSend user_name message to this user'
    and user_name will reicive a message saying: 'myUser says: message to this user'
Insert :NetSent <tab> to see the list of users you have stored.
Insert :NetSent r<tab> to see all the users beginning by 'r'
Insert: NetSendCC user1 user2 user3<ENTER>
    to send the same message to several users at a time (or :NetSendBCC if you wish)

To edit the list of users just open the file used in the g:NetSend_File. You can do it Typing :EditNetSend

TODO: write the unix/linux version (smbclient -M MS-Windows-host-name OR talk)
install details
1. Copy the NetSend.vim script to the $HOME/.vim/plugin or the
    $HOME/vimfiles/plugin or the $VIM/vimfiles directory.  Refer to the
    ':help add-plugin', ':help add-global-plugin' and ':help runtimepath'
    topics for more details about Vim plugins.
2. Set the NetSend_File Vim variable in the .vimrc file to the location of a
    file to store the user names.
    Example: let g:NetSend_File = $HOME ."/_netSend_Users"
3. If you want a different message to be added to the message just add to
    your .vimrc: let g:NetSend_msg = "My initial message"
4. Restart Vim.

For those guys who use pathogen, the installation should be as simple as a git clone:

$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone git://github.com/vim-scripts/NetSed.vim.git

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
NetSend.vim 1.6 2007-09-25 7.0 J. Manuel Picaza The console output is analized and informs you if there was an error sending the message.Messages are saved in :messages during the current vim session.
NetSend.vim 1.5 2007-05-08 6.0 J. Manuel Picaza Fixed little bug: Now you can  use ! as part of the message.
NetSend.vim 1.4 2007-04-16 7.0 J. Manuel Picaza Solve a bug related to 'Cancel' button in the message dialog box.
NetSend.vim 1.3 2007-04-11 7.0 J. Manuel Picaza Send Messages using 'net send'. Now you can send the same message to several users (Cc and Bcc).
NetSend.vim 1.2 2007-03-28 7.0 J. Manuel Picaza Added compatibility with GetLatestVimScripts plugin.
Some litle bugs fixed.
Next Version: Send the same message to several users.
NetSend.vim 1.1 2007-03-14 7.0 J. Manuel Picaza Added a menu (Plugins->NetSend) for managging it with the mouse.
NetSend.vim 1.0 2007-03-13 6.0 J. Manuel Picaza Initial upload
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