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treeexplorer : uses perl and tree to create a tree file explorer

 script karma  Rating 12/3, Downloaded by 1969  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
scott urban
script type
IMPORTANT: See UPDATES below - this script is now an orphan

Uses perl and the unix tree command (available on linux, or find sources on freshmeat.net) to create a tree based explorer for your directory structure.   Features:

- directories are foldable
- different filetypes are highlighed
- open a file in a new window
- mappings for naviagation,
- lazy loading of directory structure

Probably doesn't work right for non-unix systems, I'm working on this, but help is welcome

- I have reimplemented this script using only vim.  The new implementation can be found at http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=184 - vimtreeexplorer.vim.  That approach is faster as well as requiring no external programs.  I have now abandoned the original implementation because the new implementation can do recursive expansion if you want it to.

install details
- make sure you have perl
- make sure you have 'tree' command
- download, gunzip, untar package
- make vimtreeexpl.pl executable, put in your path (e.g. $HOME/bin)
- put treeexpl.vim in your plugin dir (e.g. $HOME/.vim/plugin)




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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
treeexplorer.tar.gz 1.0 2002-01-15 6.0 scott urban Initial upload
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