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Scheme Mode : As many useful commands and functions for Scheme as possible

 script karma  Rating 13/4, Downloaded by 849  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Adrien (Axioplase::Pied)
script type
" This is a simple fileplugin supposed to help you write Scheme code fast.
" Comes with shortcuts for usual patterns such as `if`, `cond`, `case`, as
" well as `let`s (normal, letrec and named let), `syntax-rules`, and eventually
" a header generator and shortcuts to inser (print) lilke statements.
" Since many of those patterns have placeholders for code, `f and `s tags are
" mapped to what can be thought of as 1st place and 2nd place. For example, in
" an `if`, first place is the #t branch, and second place is the #f branch
" Little help with motions is given too. Mapped <C-l> and <C-h> to the next and
" previous Sexp, in depth parsing order.
" You are more than suggested to define the bindings as you want them.
" I chose <Leader>sX so that the "s" reminds you scheme, though is slows down
" typing quite a bit. Moreover, you might not want a 3 keyed shortcut to start a
" quoted list...
" Also comes with a function that closes all open brackets.
install details
" Simply drop this file into your $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/ directory and add to your
" vimrc file the following line :
" autocmd Filetype scheme source ~/.vim/ftplugin/SchemeMode.vim

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
SchemeMode.vim 0.577 2007-06-07 7.0 Adrien (Axioplase::Pied) Initial upload
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