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gvim-pdfsync : Open file in OS X Vim at a specific line. Good for PDFSync inverse searches.

 script karma  Rating 8/2, Downloaded by 1372  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ted Pavlic
script type
For a summary of the newest developments (e.g., PDFSync support in the new MacVim project), see


Below are the comments at the head of the gvim-pdfsync script.

# gvim-pdfsync: Script for opening a file in Vim in OS X and positioning
#               the cursor at a particular line. If the file is already
#               open in an existing Vim, the cursor will be repositioned
#               re-opening the file.
#               The script is meant to extend the inverse searching
#               (c.f. PDFSync compatible PDF viewers (e.g., Skim or
#               TeXniscope) or DVI viewers that pay attention to
#               source specials (e.g., TeXniscope)) to MacVim.
# Author: Ted Pavlic
#         ted@tedpavlic.com
#         http://www.tedpavlic.com/
# Usage: gvim-pdfsync "%file" [%line]
#        where %file is a file name and %line is a line number.
# History and acknowledgments:
#    The genesis of this script is this comment:
#    http://www.macosxhints.com/comment.php?mode=view&cid=88674
#    to this thread:
#    http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20070111095701823
#    Most of the important AppleScript is by Yonatan Amit, the original
#    author of that thread.
# For more information (and history):
# http://phaseportrait.blogspot.com/2007/07/pdfsync-inverse-searches-on-vim-for-os.html
install details

Save this file in the path somewhere. For example:


Then chmod it 0755. For example,

chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/gvim-pdfsync

It then can be used like this:

gvim-pdfsync "%file" %line

where %file is the name of the file being opened and %line is the desired line number for the cursor. If you run it again with a different line number, the Vim application will reposition the cursor.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
gvim-pdfsync 1.03 2007-07-20 6.0 Ted Pavlic More conventional usage line. Updated documentation. Trivial changes.
gvim-pdfsync 1.02 2007-07-17 6.0 Ted Pavlic Added "usage" and changed some internal handling of shell variables. Trivial changes.
gvim-pdfsync 1.01 2007-07-11 6.0 Ted Pavlic Somehow in a copy and paste while putting the script together, a couple of \'s turned into 's.

Fixed that. Now the script should work fine.
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