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doxygen-support : Generate Doxygen comments from user defined templates

 script karma  Rating 68/22, Downloaded by 8033  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Fritz Mehner
script type
***** This plug-in is no longer supported *****

Support for Doxygen is integrated in the C-Support plug-in :


This plug-in generates Ex commands and a menu (or a menu tree) from a template
file containing user defined comment templates to be used for source code
documentation with Doxygen. The template file can have user defined macros.

This plug-in comes with a help file (doxygensupport.txt). Read it with

   :help doxygensupport
install details
(1) Copy the zip archive  doxygen-support.zip to $HOME/.vim/ or $VIM/vimfiles
    (on the Windows platforms) and run

      unzip doxygen-support.zip

    If you have already an older version of doxygen-support and you have modified
    the template files you may want to save your templates first or copy the
    files from the archive by hand.

(2) Loading of plugin files must be enabled. If not use
      :filetype plugin on
    This is the minimal content of the file '$HOME/.vimrc'. Create one if there
    is none.

(3) Set at least some personal details in the main file

(4) Restart gVim/Vim generate the help tags

      :helptags ~/.vim/doc

    and look at the doxygensupport help with

      :h doxygensupport

  For a system-wide installation please see the help file 'doc/doxygensupport.txt'.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
doxygen-support.zip 2.2 2011-03-05 7.0 Fritz Mehner - New main menu iten: "help (Doxygen-Support)"
- Bugfix: detection of a systemwide installation can fail.
doxygen-support.zip 2.1 2010-07-06 7.0 Fritz Mehner - Completely new doxygen integration.
- New ex-commands.
doxygen-support.zip 2.0.2 2008-03-22 7.0 Fritz Mehner - Windows: Missing variable from 2.0.1 was still wrong.
- Bugfix: variable g:Doxy_LoadMenus had no effect.
- Documentation corrected.
doxygen-support.zip 2.0.1 2008-03-08 7.0 Fritz Mehner - Windows: Missing variable prevents correct plugin loading (thanks to Martin Banszel)
- Documentation corrected.
doxygen-support.zip 2.0 2008-03-05 7.0 Fritz Mehner - Systemwide installation now possible.
- Visual mode insert (surround a marked region).
- Dialog to ask for parameters possible.
- Automatic generation of submenu titles.
doxygen-support.zip 1.4 2007-11-27 7.0 Fritz Mehner - Templates now can contain preprocessor statements.
doxygen-support.zip 1.3 2007-08-05 7.0 Fritz Mehner - Include mechanism for template files.
- Menu items can be sorted/unsorted.
doxygen-support.zip 1.2 2007-08-01 7.0 Fritz Mehner + New 'insert' attribute for templates.
doxygen-support.zip 1.1 2007-07-30 7.0 Fritz Mehner - New template attributes allow insertion above and below the current line and appending to the current line.
doxygen-support.zip 1.0 2007-07-14 7.0 Fritz Mehner Initial upload
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