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smart_cr : Inserting snippets in new line

 script karma  Rating 6/3, Downloaded by 645  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Valentin Valyaeff
script type
Deprecated, use vimscript#1957

Perhaps you editing C file:
  #include <stdlib.h*>
(* - cursor position)
If you hit Enter, new include directive will be inserted:
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <*>

You must create new hash g:smart_cr
  let g:smart_cr = {}
Hash must contain arrays for different filetypes:
  let g:smart_cr.c = [['^#include <', '^>$', "#include \<@@@>"],
                     \['^#include "', '^"$', "#include \"@@@\""]]
When you hit Enter, line is divided on two parts - before and above
the cursor. First two strings are regular expressions for left and
right parts of line. If they matched, third string will be inserted in
new line.
"@@@" is marker where to place cursor. You may redefine it by setting
global variable:
  let g:smart_cr_marker = '<here>'

Another example
This for Embedded ruby:
  let g:smart_cr.eruby = [['<%[^=]', '^\s*%>',  "<% @@@ %>"],
                         \['<%[^=]', '^\s*-%>', "<% @@@ -%>"],
                         \['<%=',    '^\s*%>',  "<%= @@@ %>"],
                         \['<%=',    '^\s*-%>', "<%= @@@ -%>"]]
install details
Place file into plugin folder

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
smart_cr.vim 1.0 2007-07-14 6.0 Valentin Valyaeff Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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