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vimblog.vim : blogging from vim ruby script

 script karma  Rating 206/55, Downloaded by 2436  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
pedro mg
script type
For Vi, Vim, MacVim or GVim users, there is a simple way to manage your blog posts. Under Vim environment, you can create new blog posts, edit, list all categories, list older posts, delete posts, turn Published into Draft posts, and vice-versa.
It is out-of-the-box working for Wordpress, but very easilly, you can make it manage Blogger, MovableType, TextPattern, etc, platforms. Its the beauty of Open Source software. Study the code, change it, and use it.

Homepage: https://github.com/pedromg/vimblog.vim
Screenshots on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=vimblog&m=tags
install details
"   - you'll need VIM compiled with Ruby scripting support
"     - example: for Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install vim-ruby
"   - please, copy this file to one of your VIM dir
"     - example: to your .vim home folder: $HOME/.vim/vimblog.vim
"   - please, add this code to your .vimrc file:
"       if !exists('*Wordpress_vim')
"         runtime vimblog.vim
"       endif
"   - change your blog login/password info on the get_personal_data
"     function bellow.
"   - make sure you have xmlrpc.php file in your / blog dir. If not,
"     change the @xml variable to find it.
"   - testing: open vim, and do
"       :Blog rp
"     to get your recent 10 posts.

UPDATE: if you have several Vim's, and not all of them compiled with Ruby interpreter support, you will see a message when you open "not +ruby" Vim's. To disable that message, change the script, removing the s:ErrMsg( "Error: Required vim compiled with +ruby" ) line, or commenting it with "

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimblog.vim 1.1 2008-04-10 7.0 pedro mg # change on the way Vim delivers a message upon non compile with ruby Vim
vimblog.vim 1.0 2007-09-26 7.0 pedro mg Initial upload
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