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Perldoc.vim : perldoc command from vim

 script karma  Rating 84/44, Downloaded by 4168  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Colin Keith
script type
The Perldoc.vim plugin is a command + function that enables the perldoc command to be used from within the Vim text editor.  When activated the Perldoc command opens a new window at the top of the screen and places the output of the perldoc command into that window. This read-only window is just a Vim window, so you can perform all of the normal commands that you can in Vim - such as searching for a word or expression, yanking examples and code snippets.
install details
See the README.txt file.

For fastest installation save the zip file in your personal vim directory (eg $HOME/.vim,   or $VIM\vimfiles\) and unzip, it will place the 3 vim files in the correct locations. Details are in the README file. Please read it before e-mailing, but do e-mail if you have questions.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
perldoc.zip 1.1.1 2002-07-09 6.0 Colin Keith Support for su'ing to non-root user when executing the perldoc command as root. Perl below v5.6x do not support the -U flag to enable "unsecure" mode. See README.txt / vim docs for details.
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