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Processing : Syntax highlighting for the Processing language

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created by
Szabolcs Horvát
script type
## Vim Processing

Originally authored by Szabolcs Horvát, and extended by Erich Heine and others (see below for a full list), this plugin exists to allow vim to replace the Processing IDE to develop sketches.

Primary development is now done by Erich Heine. The latest development version is found at https://github.com/sophacles/vim-processing

### Features

1. Syntax Highlighting for the Processing language: processing.vim will properly highlight sketches, based on the processing keywords.txt file. This includes processing functions and Java types and keywords as well.

2. Documentation lookup -- pressing K in when over a keyword, type or function defined by processing will open a browser to the relevant documentation.(Currently this requires Python support compiled into Vim)

3. Integrates with Vim's compiler support. Sketches can be run directly from Vim using the :make command. They are run via the processing-java command. This tool is used to run sketches outside of the Processing editor, and is supplied with Processing itself. Make sure processing-java is in your PATH before trying to run it from vim-processing.

(MacOSX users will need to install the processing-java command from the Processing IDE before using this functionality)

4. Folding can be enabled by defining "processing_fold"
    let processing_fold = 1

For more usage information see :help processing-intro

### Contributors

The full list of contributors to this project:

*  Erich Heine (@sophacles on GitHub)
*  Guy John (@rumblesan)
*  Richard Gray (@vortura)
*  Crazy Master (@crazymaster)
*  Vítor Galvão (@vitorgalvao)
*  Szabolcs Horvát (@szhorvat)

### License

Copyright (c) the contributors to the project. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.  See :help license
install details
Use your favourite plugin manager, or download processing.zip from vimscripts and unzip it in ~/.vim/

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
processing.zip 1.0.0 2013-10-08 7.0 Szabolcs Horvát New, improved version by Erich Heine, for Processing 2.0

* Updated syntax highlighting for Processing 2.0
* Takes advantage of the processing-java command line tool from processing 2.0 in conjunction with :make in vim
* Added a helpfile
* Added utility scripts to update syntax files simply
* Documentation finder supports python2 and python3
processing.zip 3 2008-02-03 6.0 Szabolcs Horvát Fixed unmatched bracket highlighting and other minor fixes.
processing.zip 2 2008-01-26 6.0 Szabolcs Horvát Added highlighting for unmatched brackets and an ftplugin for integration with the documentation.
processing.vim 1 2008-01-04 6.0 Szabolcs Horvát Initial upload
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