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Textile for VIM : Syntax Highlighting and Textile rendering / preview support

 script karma  Rating 29/16, Downloaded by 4094  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Harper
script type
*textile.txt*              Textile for Vim       Last Change: November 3, 2008

REQUIREMENTS                                             *textile-requirements*

- ruby - http://ruby-lang.org/ (seperate executable, not compiled in)
- RedCloth - http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/

Files with the extension *.textile will auto-detected.  If editing a new file,
or otherwise, run ":setf textile" to enable textile commands.

CHANGELOG                                                  *textile-changelog*

0.3     - Fixed keymappings in the documentation
0.2     - Added multiple colors for headers, and alternating colors for list
        - Fixed error in the vim script for TextileRenderBufferToFile
        - Changed shortcut keys from \tp to \rp (render preview instead of
          textile preview, since it's file-type specific anyways)
0.1     - Initial Release

COMMANDS                                                    *textile-commands*

h2. Commands

:TextilePreview     - Render the current buffer to a temp file, and open it in
                      your web browser (OSX only)


:TextileRenderTab   - ... to a new tab


:TextileRenderFile  - ... to a file


<Leader> is \ by default, so <Leader>rp == \rp

CREDITS                                                      *textile-credits*

- "Dominic Mitchell":http://happygiraffe.net/: initial syntax highlighting
- "Aaron Bieber":http://blog.aaronbieber.com/: improved syntax highlighting
- "Tim Harper":http://tim.theenchanter.com/  ;: improved syntax highlighting,


install details
Unpack to ~/.vim

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
textile-0.3.zip 0.3 2008-11-03 7.0 Tim Harper Documentation fixes
textile-0.2.zip 0.2 2008-08-26 7.0 Tim Harper - Added multiple colors for headers, and alternating colors for list items
- Fixed error in the vim script for TextileRenderBufferToFile
- Changed shortcut keys from \\tp to \\rp (render preview instead of textile preview, since it's file-type specific anyways)

textile.tar.bz2 0.1 2008-07-21 7.0 Tim Harper Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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