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PySmell : A Python omnicompletion utility

 script karma  Rating 24/8, Downloaded by 1242  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Orestis Markou
script type
PySmell is an alternative omnicompletion library for Python.

It has two parts: The Python library that does the analyzing, and the Vim script that calls into the library.

It works by analyzing your codebase once, saving information in a TAGS file, and using that to provide context-aware completions.

There is more documentation in the README and in pysmell.vim

The project is hosted at http://code.google.com/p/pysmell
The code repo is at http://github.com/orestis/pysmell
Follow news at http://orestis.gr
install details
Uninstall the .tar.gz, cd into it and do:

python setup.py install

To use PySmell omnicompletion from inside Vim, you have to have:

1. Python support in vim (`:echo has('python')`)
2. The pysmell package in the PYTHONPATH that Vim uses: `python import pysmell` should work.
3. Drop pysmell.vim in ~/.vim/plugins
4. `:setlocal omnifunc=pysmell#Complete` Note: If you want to always use pysmell for python, do: `autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc=pysmell#Complete`
5. [OPTIONAL] Select a matcher of your liking - look at pysmell.vim for
options. Eg: `:let g:pysmell_matcher='camel-case'`


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
pysmell-0.7.tar.gz 0.7 2008-11-02 7.0 Orestis Markou Initial upload
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