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commentToggle : A simple line-based comment toggler.

 script karma  Rating 17/5, Downloaded by 1164  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
kamil stachowski
script type
Toggles comment for selected lines. If the selection is commented, commentToggle uncomments it; if it’s not commented, commetToggle comments it; if it’s mixed, the above is applied on a per-line basis. Very useful. I know, there are plenty of commenters out there, but this one’s mine. And it’s much simpler. One shortcut (<Leader>;) and that’s that.
install details
Copy to your plugins directory (probably ~/.vim/plugins) and restart Vim or place anywhere and :source it.
Or use this address with your favourite package manager: https://github.com/kamwitsta/commentToggle

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
commentToggle.vim 0.3 2016-10-31 7.0 kamil stachowski a bit of a rewrite, now uses commentstring (duh…)
commentToggle.vim 0.2 2008-11-10 6.0 kamil stachowski improved whitespace handling (now prettier than ever ;)
added 37 new languages (total 93)
commentToggle.vim 0.1 2008-11-08 6.0 kamil stachowski Initial upload
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