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Mastermind board game : The board game

 script karma  Rating 54/39, Downloaded by 907  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Arun E
script type
Mastermind, if you are not familiar, is a game of guesses. You have to guess a N-digit (N selectable from 1-9, 5 being the default) code based on clues. After you have entered a line, the clue is shown with characters 'X' and 'x'. X means the number (or color) and position is right. x means number is right but position is incorrect.

Please note that, the position of X/x in the clue area has no correspondence with the actual numbers. In other words a X in the clue box means one of the numbers you have guessed is right and in the correct position. It does not tell you which one; that is where the fun is!

Here is some more info about the game.
install details
drop the file under the plugin directory (unix, it is $HOME/.vim/plugin)

Hit \mm to start the game (<mapleader>mm)

Press q to stop.

Here are the key mappings:

"     <keys 1-9> : Enters respective key
"        <enter> : Press this, when done with the current line
"        <space> : Skip to enter next number
"    <backspace> : Skip to enter previous number
"          <c-r> : Restart the game
"          <c-n> : Change the number of digits to guess (1-9)
"          <c-g> : Change the number of guesses (1-20)
"              q : To quit the game
"              b : Boss Key (switches b/w first buffer and game)

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
mastermind.vim 1.00 2009-02-12 7.0 Arun E Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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