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ihtml.vim : iHTML syntax highlighting

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 1240  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Mark Feeney
script type
Does "smart" highlighting of all iHTML syntax.  Handles up to iHTML Enterprise Edition 2.20.  Also highlights SQL within SQL= attributes (which you can turn off if you'd like).  If you're using foldmethod=syntax, there are some nice folds setup by this syntax file.

Latest version always available here:
install details
Drop the file in ~/.vim/syntax or on win32 in c:\vim\vimfiles\syntax (assuming you're using drive c).  Setup some autocommands to load ihtml.vim for files ending with ihtml or iht.  Another better strategy is to load the syntax file for any files containing <!iHTML> in the first 2 or three lines of the file.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ihtml.vim 1.4 2002-04-05 6.0 Mark Feeney Was missing a few end tags in the last veresion.  Also, a few environment variables were messed up and/or missing.
ihtml.vim 1.2 2002-03-27 6.0 Mark Feeney Initial upload
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