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manxome foes colorscheme : a pleasant scheme for long vimming sessions

 script karma  Rating 105/73, Downloaded by 9649  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ricardo Signes
script type
color scheme
The colorschemes that ship with vim all made me wince, and after several hours of editing, even the most innocuous of them would become unpleasant.  I designed this scheme to be both clearly marked up and easy on my eyes.  It reminds me of the default colorscheme of the Telegard BBS.
install details
Drop it in ~/.vim/colors and add "colorscheme manxome" to your vimrc, and you're done!  See |:help colo| for more information.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
manxome.vim R3 2025-01-27 7.0 Ricardo Signes No major updates, but just all the minor tweaks that have piled in since my last upload.
manxome.vim R2v2 2003-07-16 6.0 Ricardo Signes I've changed the fileformat to unix to prevent ^M errors.
manxome.vim R2 2002-09-17 6.0 Ricardo Signes Some colors have been tweaked for more pleasant vimming on LCD screens and dark CRTs.  I've added a few highlight types to pick up some syntax types I hadn't used before.
manxome.vim R1 2002-03-30 6.0 Ricardo Signes Initial upload
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