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xptemplate : XP's Snippet Template engine for vim

 script karma  Rating 656/187, Downloaded by 10882  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
drdr xp
script type
Code snippets engine for Vim, with snippets library.
XPTemplate let you write codes in a smooth, quick and comfortable way.

=======================   Usage   =======================

vim xpt.c
// Type  "for<C-\>" :
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
   /* cursor */
Press <tab>,<tab>.. to navigate through "i", "0", "len". Cursor will finally stops at "/* cursor */".

=======================   Features   =======================

* Live update while typing
* Navigate forward and backward. <Tab> and <S-Tab>
* Embed language support like JAVASCRIPT in HTML. Or HTML in PHP
* Wrapper
* Smart indent
* Spacing and line-break of snippet can be easily changed to fit your coding style
* Pop up menu friendly

=======================   Resources   =======================

Screencast : 0.3.9 :  http://code.google.com/p/xptemplate/wiki/ScreenCasts;

Get From GIT: git://github.com/drmingdrmer/xptemplate.git;
Project Home : https://github.com/drmingdrmer/xptemplate;
Follow me: http://twitter.com/xptemplate;

*** Troubleshoot / supertab support / bracket complete / other question ***

=======================   Compatibilities   =======================

Supported platform:  Linux, WinXP, // [g]vim 7.2
Supported Language:  ada c cabal cpp cs css dot erlang gitconfig gnuplot haskell html java javascript lex lua make ocaml perl php ps1 python r ruby(eruby) scheme sh tcl tex vim xml xpt xslt yacc

**Bundles: c_autoimplem cpp_autoimplem javascript_jquery

Special Thanks to ^0^ :
Christian.Coutinho  Vincent Berthoux  Fabio  Simon Ruderich
install details
copy files(xpt/*) into runtime path(.vim/).
:helptags path_to_xpt/doc
:help xpt

And you need at least turn on these 2 settings in ".vimrc" :
set nocompatible
filetype plugin  on


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
xpt- 2012-01-12 7.2 drdr xp fix over strict filetype regexp. Thanks to Krzysztof
xpt- 2011-12-19 7.2 drdr xp fix python::def snippet bug thanks to daethorian
xpt- 2011-07-07 7.2 drdr xp Fix cindent problem with indentkeys
xpt- 2011-07-05 7.2 drdr xp Fixed a lot bugs. Thanks to adshuangjoh@gmail.com and Kirill Klenov
xpt-0.4.8-r1031.tgz 0.4.8-1031 2010-11-29 7.2 drdr xp fix bug that with "fo+=ta" xpreplace messes up text. Reported by koelner.r
xpt-0.4.8-r994.tgz 0.4.8-r994 2010-09-01 7.2 drdr xp Fix: bug of converting space to tab
xpt-0.4.8-r976.tgz 0.4.8-r976 2010-08-30 7.2 drdr xp Fix: mistakingly using SPop as SParg in bracket completion.
xpt-0.4.8-r962.tgz 0.4.8-r962 2010-08-27 7.2 drdr xp Fix: bracket following multi-bytes char breaks the previous char
xpt-0.4.8-r957.tgz 0.4.8-r957 2010-08-26 7.2 drdr xp Fix bug that xpreplace sometimes removes chars if folding enabled.

Fix nav-key issue with selection set to be exclusive.
xpt-0.4.8-r911.tgz 0.4.8-r911 2010-07-25 7.0 drdr xp fix problem that pressing <Tab> with pum unclosed gets chars lost
xpt-0.4.8-r899.tgz 0.4.8-r899 2010-07-10 7.0 drdr xp Fix: brace completion bug with pop up menu opened. Thanks to yeskky reporting this issue.

Add: 3 new filetypes : gitconfig, gnuplot, r. Simple and useful. Thanks to Vicent B
xpt-0.4.8-r860.tgz 0.4.8-r860 2010-05-24 7.0 drdr xp Fix some mistakes in doc.
Fix but with repetition started at the first char.
Fix <expr> mapping bug
xpt-0.4.8-r852.tgz 0.4.8-r852 2010-05-23 7.0 drdr xp Add: autoimplemen bundle for c and cpp.
Fix: cross-line place holder is created incorrectly.

Plenty Thanks to  Vincent B and Simon Ruderich.
xpt-0.4.8-r842.tgz 0.4.8-r842 2010-05-17 7.0 drdr xp Fix: auto-indent bug
xpt-0.4.7.tgz 0.4.7-r807 2010-04-28 7.0 drdr xp fix: improve non-word char snippet name support
fix: when <tab> pressed to go to next, pum does not close and it swallows some chars
fix: removes all XPTemplateDef command
fix: supertab does not work well
fix: pum bug mess text.
fix: edges with quotes are wrongly evaluated.
xpt- 2009-12-14 7.0 drdr xp Fix : vim halts when XPT searching for keywords
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