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Rubytest.vim : Run ruby tests in vim

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Rubytest.vim will help you to run ruby test (including vanilla test, rspec, shoulda etc.) in vim.


Unzip downloaded file and copy rubytest.vim to your ~/.vim/plugin directory.


After installation, press <Leader>t will run the test under your cursor if you are editing a ruby test file.


$ cd <your rails/merb root>
$ vim test/unit/user_test.rb
(move cursor into a test case, press <Leader>t)

(<Leader> is mapping to '\' by default in vim)

Be default, the plugin will print output in terminal. You can change this behavior by putting this line in your vimrc file:

  let g:rubytest_in_quickfix = 1

With this set, test errors will be displayed in quickfix window, and you can jump to the error location quickly by select the error message and hit return (or 'Ctrl-w return' to open it in new window).

You can customize the command which will be used to run the test case by settting these options in your vimrc file:

  let g:rubytest_cmd_test = "ruby %p"
  let g:rubytest_cmd_testcase = "ruby %p -n '/%c/'"
  let g:rubytest_cmd_spec = "spec -f specdoc %p"
  let g:rubytest_cmd_example = "spec -f specdoc %p -e '%c'"
  let g:rubytest_cmd_feature = "cucumber %p"
  let g:rubytest_cmd_story = "cucumber %p -n '%c'"

(%p will be replaced by the path of test file, %c will be replaced by the name of test case under cursor)

Default Key Bindings

<Leader>t: run test case under cursor
<Leader>T: run all tests in file
<Leader>l: run the last test, from any buffer

You can change default key bindings:

  map <Leader>\ <Plug>RubyTestRun " change from <Leader>t to <Leader>\
  map <Leader>] <Plug>RubyFileRun " change from <Leader>T to <Leader>]
  map <Leader>/ <Plug>RubyTestRunLast " change from <Leader>l to <Leader>/

The latest code is hosted on http://github.com/janx/vim-rubytest/tree/master


* rubytest.vim works perfectly with vim-localvimrc, which enables you to set different test run command for different projects. Check details at: https://github.com/embear/vim-localvimrc
install details
Unzip downloaded file and copy rubytest.vim to your ~/.vim/plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
rubytest.tar.bz2 1.3.0 2016-01-14 7.0 jan * add new placeholder %s
* update for MiniTest
* better quickfix mode
* default to use new rspec command line
rubytest.tar.bz2 1.2.1 2013-03-21 7.0 jan * Use exact case match for minitest
* support for capybara steak-like dsl (feature/scenario)
rubytest.tar.bz2 1.2.0 2013-03-05 7.0 jan * Add Scenario Outline keyword to test cases (Ben Simpson)
* Run minitest in RSpec-like DSL (alexbel)
* Escape pound symbol in test name
* Global substitution for %c and %p in customized command (Ivan Tkalin)
rubytest.tar.bz2 1.1.0 2011-06-17 7.0 jan * Remember last run: <Leader>l to run last run test
* Default support to rspec2. You need to customize g:rubytest_cmd_spec to work with rspec 1.*
rubytest.tar.bz2 1.0.2 2010-06-08 7.0 jan fix testunit result display in quickfix; Added describe|context patterns so we can run examples under a grouping of describe or context.
rubytest.tar.bz2 1.0.1 2010-03-29 7.0 jan show full result by default
rubytest.tar.bz2 1.0.0 2010-03-11 7.0 jan There's many changes in this new release:
* Support cucumber features
* Support rspec drb mode
* fix serveral bugs
rubytest.tar.bz2 0.9.7 2009-09-19 7.0 jan fixed escape bug on windows. (bogdan)
rubytest.tar.bz2 0.9.6 2009-06-15 7.0 jan improved support for rspec
rubytest.tar.bz2 0.9.5 2009-05-13 7.0 jan add quickfix support
rubytest.tar.bz2 0.9.1 2009-04-27 7.0 jan fix test case finder
rubytest.tar.bz2 0.9.0 2009-04-19 7.0 jan Initial upload
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