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java.vim : Convenience mappings for Java programming

 script karma  Rating 43/21, Downloaded by 3223  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Gavin Sinclair
script type
Contains several mappings (about 30) to save typing when Java programming.  Most are short for keywords, types, etc.  (e.g. ,p ,s ,f ^Ts  -->  public static final String).  Some are more complex, like inserting a javadoc comment or expanding a constructor.

The script is commented sufficiently.

I haven't added anything to this for ages, but there is no limit to how useful this can be, so please feel free to add updates.
install details
Drop it in your ~/.vim/ftplugin or ./vimfiles/ftplugin directory.
If you already have a java ftplugin, create a subdirectory "java" and drop them both in.  Or rename this to java_maps.vim.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
java.vim 1.0 2002-04-05 6.0 Gavin Sinclair Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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