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Buffer Reminder Remake : reopen buffers from previus session

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created by
Sergey Vakulenko
script type
Name: Buffer reminder Remix version
Version: 0.6
Autor: Vakulenko Sergiy
Description: I rewrite this plugin because prev. version of plugin not work properly with tabs/windows.

Versions change log
- load from file regex pattern was updated by '+' and '-' symbols
- added restore view of main window (help lines)

I recommend use vim tab concept with this plugin.
I tested more then 3 month this plugin before submit it. It's works perfectly. For you i hope too.

Sorry for this "soft" type of documentation. Next time i will create vim doc file.
Also you can mail me if you have supplementary questions about options.


Variable: g:BuffReminder_enablePlugin (bool)
Description: - by default - plugin is enabled. To make it work set BuffReminder_enablePlugin:
let g:BuffReminder_enablePlugin = 1

Variable: g:BuffReminderRMX_OpenFirstTabByDefault (bool)
Description: - open first tab by default

Variable: g:BuffReminderRMX_ProjectFiles ( [] )
Description: this variable is list of project files. Need to add
they to this list to make them treater by the right way (this file's will be
opened with 'Project ' <project_file>; also to skip project split
let g:BuffReminderRMX_ProjectFiles          = ['C:\programs\gvim\vim_extention\projects\work_machine.projectfile'
                                            \, 'C:\programs\gvim\vim_extention\projects\home_machine.projectfile']

Variable: g:BufReminderRMX_ignoreFilesList ( [] )
Description: check if buff_name in ignore file list, and if yes, skip it

Variable: g:BuffReminderRMX_Disable_Hidden ( bool )
Description: if this option is enabled - all 'hidden' buffers (which isn't
showed in windows) will be skipped in save procedure

Variable: g:BuffReminderRMX_Default_SplitMode ( string ('split' or 'vsplit' ) )
Description: when page contain many split window with differents
possitions/size - on save - we can't decide what split mode was used. That why, the 'simplest' solution was to define window default split mode.
todo: add algorithm which decide split option according to all windows columns/rows size in tab.

Variable: g:BuffReminder_persistency_file ( string )
Description: this is path and name of persistency file. You can it redefine if default isn't good for you.
install details
just drop bufReminderRemake to your plugin directory ( Usually  ~/.vim/plugin (Linux) or $VIM\vimfiles\plugin (Win32) )

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
bufReminderRemake.vim 8.1 2012-05-29 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko 0.81- Fix reset of viewport of last window and split views.
      Also, I fix restore of last tab.
      starts work very stable on Ubuntu
bufReminderRemake.vim 0.72 2012-02-14 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko enable plugin by default
bufReminderRemake.vim 0.71 2012-02-13 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko little fix of variable
bufReminderRemake.vim 0.7 2012-02-11 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko fix load of files for files with -,+ symbols
added restore view of main window (help lines)
stable version
bufReminderRemake.vim 0.6 2011-07-07 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko I tested more then 3 month this plugin before submit it. It's works perfectly.
bufReminder.vim 0.5 2009-08-14 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko duplicate files opening bug fixed
functions updates to make bufReminder work faster
bufReminder.vim 0.4 2009-08-10 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko setting bufRead event variables on vimEnter event ( NERD commenter dependency plugin, for example ) fixed
Alias syntax highlight fixed
bufReminder.vim 0.3 2009-08-08 7.0 Sergey Vakulenko fixed plugin behavior in diff mode
fixed syntax highlight
bufReminder.vim 0.2 2009-08-08 7.2 Sergey Vakulenko Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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