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Conque Shell : Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer

 script karma  Rating 2358/692, Downloaded by 29292  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Nico Raffo
script type
*no longer supported*

Conque is a Vim plugin which allows you to run interactive programs, such as bash on linux or powershell.exe on Windows, inside a Vim buffer. In other words it is a terminal emulator which uses a Vim buffer to display the program output.



== USAGE ==

Type :ConqueTerm <command> to run your command in vim, for example:

:ConqueTerm bash
:ConqueTerm mysql -h localhost -u joe -p sock_collection
:ConqueTerm Powershell.exe
:ConqueTerm C:\Python27\python.exe

To open ConqueTerm in a new horizontal or vertical buffer use:

:ConqueTermSplit <command>
:ConqueTermVSplit <command>
:ConqueTermTab <command>

All text typed in insert mode will be sent to your shell. Use the <F9> key to send a visual selection from any buffer to the shell.

For more help type :help ConqueTerm
install details

   * Vim or GVim 7.0+ with +python and/or +python3
   * Python 2.3+ and/or 3.x


   * GVim 7.3 (the official installer from this site)
   * Python 2.7 and/or 3.1


vi conque_term.vba
:so %

Open conque_term.vba and type the command `:so %` to install it with the Vimball utility. Alternatively, download the zip archive and copy the files by hand into your .vim directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
conqueterm_2.2.vmb 2.2 2011-08-16 7.0 Nico Raffo * Fixed: previous Vimball was missing files
* Bugfix release
conque_2.2.tar.gz 2.2 2011-08-13 7.0 Nico Raffo Bugfix release. No new features.
conque_2.2.zip 202 2011-08-13 7.0 Nico Raffo Bugfix release. No new features.
conque_2.1.vba 2.1 2011-04-05 7.0 Nico Raffo * Various performance improvements (Fast mode option)
* Improved unicode handling
* API additions (user-defined callback functions)
* New key shortcuts (execute current file in Conque, etc...)
* Bugfixes
conque_2.1.tar.gz 2.1 2011-04-05 7.0 Nico Raffo See above
conque_2.1.zip 2.1 2011-04-05 7.0 Nico Raffo See above
conque_2.0.vba 2.0 2010-11-17 7.0 Nico Raffo * Windows support!
* Python 3 support
conque_2.0.tar.gz 2.0 2010-11-17 7.0 Nico Raffo See above
conque_2.0.zip 2.0 2010-11-17 7.0 Nico Raffo See above
conque_1.2.vba 1.2 2010-10-12 7.0 Nico Raffo Mostly bugfixes. New features include:

* New API functions (BETA)
* New ConqueTerm_CloseOnEnd? option
conque_1.2.zip 1.2 2010-10-12 7.0 Nico Raffo Mostly bugfixes. New features include:

* New API functions (BETA)
* New ConqueTerm_CloseOnEnd? option
conque_1.1.vba 1.1 2010-05-28 7.0 Nico Raffo * Allow shell buffer to be hidden
* Fix xterm colors
* Allow custom key for leaving insert mode
* Various other bugfixes
conque_1.1.tar.gz 1.1 2010-05-28 7.0 Nico Raffo * Allow shell buffer to be hidden
* Fix xterm colors
* Allow custom key for leaving insert mode
* Various other bugfixes
conque_term_1.0.vba 1.0 2010-02-03 7.0 Nico Raffo    * Complete python rewrite
   * Add support for ncurses based applications
   * Add continuous polling, instead of using <Tab>
   * Improve speed
   * Improve syntax highlighting
conque_1.0.tar.gz 1.0 2010-02-03 7.0 Nico Raffo Same as above.
conque_0.6.zip 0.6 2009-12-18 7.0 Nico Raffo * Fix GVim errors with non-english locale
* No functional changes
conque_0.5.zip 0.5 2009-12-02 7.0 Nico Raffo * Various performance enhancements and bugfixes. * Rewritten escape sequence processing
conque_0.4.zip 0.4 2009-10-30 7.0 Nico Raffo     * Improved history and tab completion
    * Fix escape sequence formatting and improve highlighting
    * Send selected text to shell from any buffer
    * Add special handling of "vi" and "man" commands
    * Various bugfixes
conque_0.3.zip 0.3 2009-10-14 7.0 Nico Raffo * Apply escape sequence coloring to output, e.g. ls --color
* Clean up syntax files for portability
* Fix several Vim 7.1 bugs
* Bugfixes for multiple shell buffers
* Add experimental shell folding option
Conque_0.2.zip 0.2 2009-10-02 7.0 Nico Raffo * New subprocess management in Python instead of C
* Stronger support in OS X and Windows
* Faster/less buggy tab completion
* Support for multiple shell buffers
Conque_0.1.zip 0.1 2009-09-03 7.0 Nico Raffo Initial upload
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