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logpad.vim : Vim plugin for emulating Windows Notepad's logging functionality

 script karma  Rating 19/7, Downloaded by 2107  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
tux. (tuxproject.de)
script type
logpad.vim emulates Windows Notepad's logging feature.

Create a new file, write .LOG as the first line and save it. Every time you reopen the file, a new line with the current timestamp is added, so you can easily maintain a chronologic log of your tasks.

By default, this plugin works the same way as the original Notepad. You can modify certain aspects of it by setting the following variables:

let LogpadEnabled = [ 0 / 1 ]
* enables/disables logpad
* default value: 1

let LogpadInsert = [ 0 / 1 ]
* automatically enables &insertmode when a new log entry is created
* default value: 0

let LogpadLineBreak = [ 0 / 1 ]
* adds an empty line before a new log entry
* default value: 0 (Windows Notepad behavior)

let LogpadIgnoreNotes = [ 0 / 1 ]
* allows adding notes before the first log entry
* default value: 0

let LogpadIgnoreReadOnly = [ 0 / 1 ]
* allows logpad to ignore a file's read-only flag
* default value: 0
install details
Download the logpad.vim file. Put it into your plugins directory. That's it, basically.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
logpad.vim 1.6 2013-07-14 6.0 tux. (tuxproject.de) fix: logpad.vim was not detecting some timestamps correctly
logpad.vim 1.5 2013-07-14 6.0 tux. (tuxproject.de) insert mode code improvement and using function! now (partial patch by Talha Mansoor)
logpad.vim 1.4 2009-12-19 6.0 tux. (tuxproject.de) added check and switch for ignoring a file's read-only flag (just to be sure...)
logpad.vim 1.3 2009-09-08 6.0 tux. (tuxproject.de) added support for GetLatestVimScripts
removed initial (unnecessary) cursor() call
logpad.vim 1.2 2009-09-05 6.0 tux. (tuxproject.de) fix: converted logpad.vim to UNIX format (was not working outside Windows, big sorry)
logpad.vim 1.1 2009-09-05 6.0 tux. (tuxproject.de) fix: the LogpadLineBreak setting also affects the single empty line below ".LOG" (original Notepad, emulated by default, doesn't add one either)
logpad.vim 1.0 2009-09-04 6.0 tux. (tuxproject.de) Initial upload
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