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sqlplus.vim : Execute SQL queries and commands from within VIM (using Oracle's SQL*Plus)

 script karma  Rating 67/27, Downloaded by 1881  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Dani Rey
script type
This file contains routines that may be used to execute SQL queries and describe
tables from within VIM.  It depends on SQL*Plus.  You must have $ORACLE_HOME
$ORACLE_SID set in your environment, although you can explicitly set the
database name to use with the :DB <db-name> command.

In command mode:
  <F7>: execute the whole script without applying any changes to it
  <F8>: execute the SELECT query under your cursor.  The query must begin with
        the "select" keyword and end with a ";"
  <Leader><F8>: prompt for an SQL command/query to execute.
  <F9>: treat the identifier under the cursor as a table name, and do a 'describe'
        on it.
  <F10>: prompt for a table to describe.
  <Leader>sb: open an empty buffer in a new window to enter SQL commands in
  <Leader>ss: execute the (one-line) query on the current line
  <Leader>se: execute the query under the cursor (as <F8>)
  <Leader>st: describe the table under the cursor (as <F9>)
  <Leader>sc: open the user's common SQL buffer (g:sqlplus_common_buffer) in a
              new window.

  :Select <...> -- execute the given Select query.
  :Update <...> -- execute the given Update command.
  :Delete <...> -- execute the given Delete command
  :DB <db-name> -- set the database name to <db-name>
  :SQL <...> -- open a blank SQL buffer in a new window, or if a filename is
                specified, open the given file in a new window.

In visual mode:
  <F8>: execute the selected query

If queries contain bind variables, you will be prompted to give a value for each
one.  if the value is a string, you must explicitly put quotes around it.  If the
query contains an INTO clause, it is removed before executing.

You will be prompted for your user-name, password and tnsname the first time you access
one of these functions during a session.  After that, your user-id and password
will be remembered until the session ends.

The results of the query/command are displayed in a separate window.

You can specify the values of the following global variables in your .vimrc
file, to alter the behavior of this plugin:

  g:sqlplus_userid -- the user-id to log in to the database as.  If this
      is specified, g:sqlplus_passwd must be given as well, which is the
      password to use.  Default: ""
  g:sqlplus_path -- the path the the SQL*Plus executable, including any
      command line options.  Default: $ORACLE_HOME . "/bin/sqlplus -s"
  g:sqlplus_common_commands -- any SQL*Plus commands that should be
      executed every time SQL*Plus is invoked.
      Default: "set pagesize 10000\nset wrap off\nset linesize 9999\n"
  g:sqlplus_common_buffer -- the name of a file that will contain
      common SQL queries and expressions, that may be opened via the
      <Leader>sc command.
  g:sqlplus_db -- the name of the database to connect to.  This variable
      may also be modified via the :DB command.

All the honor goes to Jamis Buck "http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=261"; who wrote the  first version "http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=97"; of this script. Unfortunately I can not maintain his original script, so I had to fork it.
install details
Copy the sqlplus.vim script to your $HOME/.vim/plugin directory to install it for your user or copy it into $VIM_INSTALLATION_PATH/plugin to install it for all users on this server.  Make sure you have set ORACLE_HOME in your environment, to point to the root of your oracle installation.  (ie, $ORACLE_HOME/bin should contain sqlplus).

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
sqlplus.vim 2.0.0 2009-10-22 6.0 Dani Rey Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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