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ccvext.vim : More convenience way to use ctags and cscope in vim

 script karma  Rating 21/11, Downloaded by 2953  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
zuopeng chen
script type
This is a new version from JumpInCode.vim I don't know why i can't upload a new version to the old JumpInCode page (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2770)? So I start this branch

ctags and cscope plugin for vim, more convenice way to use ctags and cscope in vim.

\sy Generate tags and cscope database from current directory.
\sc Configure window --- Take care of the help information below the window.
     D:      Remove the project's database.
     d:      Remove the project from current environment.
     a(/n): Add the project to current environment.

    :e your_source_.h
    :cd %:p:h

    :cd d:\
    <Select your database and input enter>

    1. <Leader>sy is default script command, if it conflict with your other script you can change it at line 753 of script.
    2. <Leader>sy is default script command, if it conflict with your other script you can change it at line 754 of script.
    3. Command EnQuickSnippet, DiQuickSnippet are not mapped, for convenient way is map it to your own command in your .vimrc or _vimrc file.
    4. This script is better work with script: taglist ( http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273 )
    5. This script is better work with script: MRU  ( http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273 )
    6. This script is better work with script: Mark  ( http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1238 )
    7. This script is better work with script: NERDTree ( http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658 )

Update (4.7.0)
    - Fix the problem about permission on Unix like system.
    - Fix the problem the multi cscope connection problem about that connection then
      disconnection for few times the connection order will confused.
    - Fix the problem when ccvext work with script bufexplorer.vim
    - Add C# source code supported. (Recently I am working with it)
    - Fix the problem: Sometimes double click the soruce snippet window will cause a dead loop.
    - Cscope database list is not work perfect.
    - When tags file and cscope file not exist, auto remove it from config list.
    - Don't search from tags when the text's lenght is equal to 1
    - Don't search from tags when the text data is c/c++ key word.
    - Fix the problem about double click in the main source window.
    - Modify tip window's info when tags searched not found.
    - Rename commands name
    - Auto update source snippet window

    ctags and cscope. And windows user can download them from http://code.google.com/p/easy-vim/downloads/list
install details
copy ccvext.vim to  ~/.vim/plugin/

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
ccvext.vim 4.7 2011-08-29 7.0 zuopeng chen Fix the problem about permission on Unix like system, I am sorry about this. You know that permission problem never showed up on windows.
ccvext.vim 4.6 2011-08-28 7.0 zuopeng chen Fix the problem the multi cscope connection problem about that connection then disconnection for few times the connection order will confused.
ccvext.vim 4.5 2011-06-27 7.0 zuopeng chen Fix the problem when ccvext work with script bufexplorer.vim
ccvext.vim 4.4 2011-06-23 7.0 zuopeng chen - Add C# source code supported (Recently I am working with it)
- Fix the problem: Sometimes double click the soruce snippet window will cause a dead loop.
ccvext.vim 4.3 2011-06-21 7.0 zuopeng chen When tags file and cscope file not exist, auto remove it from config list.
ccvext.vim 4.2 2011-06-10 7.0 zuopeng chen Descript:
  - Don't search from tags when the text's lenght is equal to 1
  - Don't search from tags when the text data is c/c++ key word.
  - Fix the problem about double click in the main source window.
ccvext.vim 4.1 2011-06-10 7.0 zuopeng chen Update the prompt when tags not found.
ccvext.vim 4.0 2011-06-05 7.0 zuopeng chen 1. Fix some bug in the old script, and add some new function in gvim.
2. Add command EnQuickSnippet and DiquickSnippet. This is a better way to use ctags, Now vim is working pretty like sourceinside, specially on windows givm.
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