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noweb.vim : A syntax file for noweb, with separate highlighting for documentation and code

 script karma  Rating 35/14, Downloaded by 1532  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael McDermott
script type
This is a simple syntax for noweb. Basically, it is a nice way to view code and documentation with separate syntax highlighting. Also, it can autofold code blocks.

The script uses the following options:


Set noweb_backend to the basename of the syntax file you want to use, minus the \".vim\" extension. So, for TeX, you would:

let noweb_backend = \"tex\"

noweb_language is similar, but is used to highlight the contents of code blocks. So, for example:

let noweb_language = \"cpp\"

Makes the syntax for code snippets = C++.

Finally, there is noweb_fold_code, which sets whether or not code blocks should be automatically folded. If 1, then they will be folded. Otherwise, not.
install details
Just copy the script to your ~/.vim/syntax directory.

Optionally, add something like this to your ~/.vimrc:

filetype on
filetype plugin on

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.nw    set filetype=noweb

let noweb_backend = \"tex\"
let noweb_language = \"cpp\"
let noweb_fold_code = 1

This will set the script to run for .nw files, assuming a documentation backend of TeX, a code language of C++, and turns on automatic code chunk folding.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
noweb.vim 0.2 2010-06-30 7.0 Michael McDermott Added a patch from Matt Edlefsen fixing a syntax highlighting idiosyncrasy.
noweb.vim 0.1 2010-04-01 7.0 Michael McDermott Initial upload
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