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broadcast.vim : Send keystrokes to all VIM windows

 script karma  Rating 32/11, Downloaded by 1613  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Don Yang
script type
This plugin lets you broadcast to all GVIM windows (or all other windows except current).  Especially handy for someone who prefers to open each file in a separate window instead of a separate buffer.  Lots of things possible, for example:

Globally replace text across all GVIM windows:
   :Bcast :%s/oldtext/newtext/g<CR>

Exit all other opened GVIM windows:
   :Bcast0 :q<CR>
install details
Place script in your plugin directory, then use ":Bcast <keys>" or ":Bcast0 <keys>" to invoke.
VIM needs to be compiled with +clientserver.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
broadcast.vim 0.9 2002-06-12 6.0 Don Yang Initial upload
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