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python_showpydoc.vim : Show document string of python3 or later in command line~

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created by
Reaper Des
script type
The script has updated for support both python2.x and python3.x
go to vimscript#3212 for new version.  
Note: this plugin needs python3/dyn so that using gvim7.3 is easist and best way.

usage:         commands:
                 :Spydoc object
                 the "object" can be an "imported" class, module or function(/method)
                 the command return document string corresponding to the object.
                 else return type of the object.
                 if the object is "unimported" the command will fail except for
                 modules re, vim and
                 FunctionType, MethodType, ModuleType, BuiltinFunctionType,
                 BuiltinMethodType imported from module types

tip:             this plugin now is just designed for standart python3 library,
                 if try the command with a user-defined "object",
                 be very likely to get an error "name 'object' is not defined".

examples:  lets say a simple python script:
                   import sys;
                   form sys import path;
                   class Test(object): pass;
                   t = Test();
                and input following commands:

                :Spydoc sys
                sys document(module)

                :Spydoc sys.exit
                sys.exit document(function)

                :Spydoc sys.path
                type of sys.path(built-in type list)

                :Spydoc path
                type of os.path(same as above)

                :Spydoc Test:
                error: name 'Test' is not define

                :Spydoc t:
                error: name 't' is not define

                :Spydoc sys.ss
                error: 'module' object has no attribute 'ss'

                :Spydoc sys.exit()
                error: 'sys.exit()' is a wrong?
install details
Install:        make sure "filetype plugin on" and gvim complied with python3/dyn
                copy python_showpydoc.vim to your ftplugin directory

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
python_showpydoc.vim 1.1 2010-08-17 7.3 Reaper Des -fixed 2 unnecessary attributes
-to confuse names in plugin to minimize name-crash
python_showpydoc.vim 1.0 2010-08-17 7.3 Reaper Des Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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