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preview : Plugin for previewing markup files(markdown,rdoc,textile,html)

 script karma  Rating 48/16, Downloaded by 4528  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Sergey Potapov
script type
Preview plugin is a tool developed to help you to preview markup files such as *.markdown, *.rdoc, *.textile and *.html when you are editing them. It builds html files and opens them in your browser.

The plugin requires a builtin ruby interpreter. It means that your Vim should be compiled with '--enable-rubyinterp' option. To find out does you Vim have builtin ruby interpreter you can do the next:
    :echo has('ruby')
If output is '1' the ruby interpreter is builtin. The second thing you should verify is that you have installed all necessary ruby gems.

Supported formats and dependecies:
    * markdown(md, mkd, mkdn, mdown) - depends on 'bluecloth' ruby gem
    * rdoc -  depends on 'github-markup' ruby gem
    * textile - depends on 'RedCloth' ruby gem
    * ronn  -depends on 'ronn' ruby gem
    * html(htm) - no dependecies
   * reStructuredText(rst) - depends on 'RbST' ruby gem and 'rst2html' system util

Homepage: https://github.com/greyblake/vim-preview

    Donald Ephraim Curtis (support for OSX, fixing bugs)
    Sung Pae (fixing bugs)
    Rdark (support for ronn file format)

install details
Unzip in ~/.vim (~\vimfiles on Windows). Use :helptags ~/.vim/doc to enable :help.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-preview-1.0.zip 1.0 2014-03-02 7.0 Sergey Potapov New stylesheet. Use redcarpet for markdown instead of BlueCloth.
vim-preview-0.9.zip 0.9 2012-02-29 7.0 Sergey Potapov Fixed bug: Define type using filetype option
vim-preview-0.8.zip 0.8 2011-11-03 7.0 Sergey Potapov Returned back RST
vim-preview-0.7.zip 0.7 2011-04-02 7.0 Sergey Potapov Support for reStructuredText
vim-preview-0.6.zip 0.6 2011-03-22 7.0 Sergey Potapov Added ronn format support.
vim-preview-0.5.zip 0.5 2011-01-07 7.0 Sergey Potapov No more zombies
vim-preview-0.4.zip 0.4 2011-01-04 7.0 Sergey Potapov Fixed bugs: Supporting filenames with spaces.
vim-preview-0.3.zip 0.3 2011-01-02 7.0 Sergey Potapov Fixed bugs with Safari. Extended CSS stiles.
vim-preview.zip 0.2 2010-11-29 7.0 Sergey Potapov Added more options for customizing.
New commands are available for mapping.
Fixed a little bug.
vim-preview.zip 0.1 2010-11-28 7.0 Sergey Potapov Initial upload
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