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screen_line_jumper : move to a visible line that end with a certain number

 script karma  Rating -3/3, Downloaded by 445  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Vinh Tran
script type
Assuming your vim window is like this:

15 Some text
16 Some other text here
17 more Text                        | cursor here
18 and some more text
19 even more text
20 more and more text
21 more and more and more text
22 more and more and more and more text
23 text text text
24 more text text and text
25 more text
26 even more text

where the numbers are the line number, and your cursor is currently on line 17
Let say I want to jump to line 21 I either have to
1. press 21G - thats 4 key stroke
2. press j 4 times
3. press 4j (which is fast, but I have to do some extra calculation)

This script define a function to easily jump to a line that is visible on the vim window


This script defind 2 functions


the first one will move to the first line where line number t end with <number> *and is currently visible*

for the above example if your cursor is on line 15 call
MoveLineNumberEndWith(6) will move to line 16
call MoveLineNumberEndWith(6)  again will move to line 26
call MoveLineNumberEndWith(6) again will move back to line 16 if line 36 is not visible on your window

The backword version of the function works similarly but it jump backward.

I have comment out some recommendation mapping in the file.

install details
put it in your .vim/plugin/

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
screen_line_jumper.vim 1.0 2010-12-01 7.0 Vinh Tran Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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