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unite.vim : Unite and create user interfaces

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created by
Shougo Matsushita
script type
## Description

The unite or unite.vim plug-in can search and display information from
arbitrary sources like files, buffers, recently used files or registers.  You
can run several pre-defined actions on a target displayed in the unite window.

The difference between unite and similar plug-ins like fuzzyfinder,
ctrl-p or ku is, unite provides an integration interface for several
sources and you can create new interface using unite.

## Usage

In case you run unite to display files and buffers as sources to pick

:Unite file buffer

In case you run unite with an initial filter value (foo) to narrow
down files.

:Unite -input=foo file

If you start unite it splits the window horizontally and pops up
from the top of Vim by default.

:Unite file

The example call above lists all the files in the current directory. You can
choose one of them in the in the unite window by moving the cursor up and down
as usual with j and k. If you type Enter on an active candidate it will open
it in a new buffer. Enter triggers the default action for a candidate which is
"open" for candidates of the kind "file". You can also select an alternative
action for a candidate with <Tab>. See also `unite-action` to read on about

You can also narrow down the list of candidates by a keyword. If you change
into the insert mode inside of a unite window, the cursor drops you behind the
">" in the second line from above. There you can start typing to filter the
candidates.  You can also use the wild card "*" as an arbitrary character
sequence. For example,


matches hisa, ujihisa, or ujihisahisa. Furthermore, two consecutive wild cards
match a directory recursively.


So the example above matches bar/foo or buzz/bar/foo.
Note: The unite action `file_rec` does a recursive file matching by default
without the need to set wildcards.

You can also specify multiple keywords to narrow down the candidates. Multiple
keywords need to be separated either by a space " " or a dash "|". The
examples below match for candidates that meet both conditions "foo" and "bar".

foo bar

You can also specify negative conditions with an exclamation mark "!".  This
matches candidates that meet "foo" but do not meet "bar".

foo !bar

Wild cards are added automatically if you add a "/" in the filter and you have
specified "files" as the buffer name with the option "-buffer-name". That's
handy in case you select files with unite.

:Unite -buffer-name=files file

See also `unite_default_key_mappings` for other actions.

There is also a screencast available which shows unite in action. Thanks to
ujihisa! http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11240673

## Install details

Install the distributed files into your Vim script directory which is usually
`~/.vim/`, or `$HOME/vimfiles` on Windows. You should consider to use one of the
famous package managers for Vim like vundle or neobundle to install the

After installation you can run unite with the `:Unite` command and append the
sources to the command you wish to select from as parameters. However, it's a
pain in the ass to run the command explicitly every time, so I recommend you
to set a key mapping for the command. See `:h unite`.

## Links

unite plugins(in Japanese): https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim/wiki/unite-plugins
install details
Install the distributed files into Vim script directory which is usually
~/.vim/, or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows.

In future VimJolts the Vim plugin package manager will support unite, you can
install unite just by `jolt install unite`.

You may run unite with |:Unite| command with source as parameters if you
succeeded in installing unite.  However, it's a pain in the ass to run the
command explicitly every time, so I recommend you to set a key mapping for the

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
unite.vim-5.0.zip 5.0 2013-05-11 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added <Plug>(unite_print_message_log) mapping.
- Added converter_file_directory.
- Added converter_tail.
- Added g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline option.
- Added g:unite_source_file_rec_async_command option.
- Added g:unite_source_file_rec_max_cache_files.
- Added log option.
- Added unite#util#has_lua().
- Changed smart_execute_command() implementation.
- Changed start action in source kind.
- Changed tab source behavior.
- Disabled auto resize feature.
- Enabled lua interface feature.
- Fixed <Plug>(unite_delete_backward_path).
- Fixed action source behavior.
- Fixed action source problem.
- Fixed action source problems.
- Fixed action__path problem.
- Fixed cd problem in unite#start_temporary().
- Fixed close previous unite buffer behavior.
- Fixed file_rec/async source.
- Fixed filter.
- Fixed for auto_preview.
- Fixed for backquote.
- Fixed for temporary buffer.
- Fixed load scripts behavior.
- Fixed loading sources problem.
- Fixed narrow action.
- Fixed restore updatetime.
- Fixed start sources behavior.
- Fixed temporary buffer.
- Fixed unite#clear_message().
- Fixed unite#get_candidates().
- Fixed updatetime restore.
- Improved <Plug>(unite_delete_backward_char).
- Improved cutsom bookmark action.
- Improved documentation for ag.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved line syntax.
- Improved load default scripts behavior.
- Improved message behavior.
- Improved mru sources.
- Improved narrow action.
- Improved output source behavior.
- Improved print message feature.
- Improved quick match behavior.
- Improved runtimepath source.
- Improved source file.
- Improved start sources behavior.
- Improved syntax highlight in line and grep sources.
- Improved unite status line.
- Improved unite#get_unite_bufnr()/unite#get_unite_winnr().
- Improved vimfiler redraw behavior.
- Optimized for files.
- Restore statusline.
- Supported make multiple directories.
- Temporally disabled if_lua feature. Because if_lua has SEGV problem.
- Uniq mru list in save.
- Use python3 interface.
- Use vimproc#readdir() in file_rec source.
unite.vim-4.1.zip 4.1 2013-03-02 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added -hide-status-line option.
- Added -multi-line option.
- Added -no-focus option.
- Added -short-source-names and -long-source-names and
- Added <C-g> mapping.
- Added <Plug>(unite_narrowing_dot).
- Added FAQ section.
- Added alias in directory kind.
- Added backup action.
- Added custom matchers/sorters/converters.
- Added default_kind attribute.
- Added dirdiff action.
- Added echo action.
- Added examples.
- Added function source.
- Added g:unite_marked_icon option.
- Added g:unite_source_buffer_time_format.
- Added g:unite_source_process_enable_confirm option.
- Added g:unite_source_vimgrep_ignore_pattern.
- Added host check in file_point.
- Added line/fast source.
- Added matcher_context filter.
- Added matchers, sorters, converters.
- Added readable check in file.
- Added resume option.
- Added runtimepath source.
- Added sorter_length.
- Added source custom variables.
- Added unite#start_script().
- Added unite__new_candidate action.
- Added unite_sources autoload support.
- Added wrap option.
- Changed -immediately behavior.
- Changed default matcher.
- Changed insert word behavior.
- Changed profile_name default value.
- Changed tab source behavior.
- Deleted max_candidates in mapping source.
- Deleted mru max_candidates.
- Deleted unite#filters#default#use().
- Disable colors in grep source.
- Fixed -auto-preview problems.
- Fixed <Plug>(unite_move_head).
- Fixed <Plug>(unite_restart) behavior.
- Fixed a bug that edit action didn't add history in command kind.
- Fixed action table.
- Fixed alias actions.
- Fixed buffer initialization check.
- Fixed choose action for vimfiler.
- Fixed clear marks behavior.
- Fixed complete behavior.
- Fixed converter in file_rec.
- Fixed directory and file source.
- Fixed documentation.
- Fixed file_rec filters.
- Fixed find source.
- Fixed for line source.
- Fixed for multiline behavior.
- Fixed for new vimshell.
- Fixed for syntax enable.
- Fixed for unite-source.
- Fixed function preview error.
- Fixed grep check.
- Fixed grep source.
- Fixed ignore_pattern behavior.
- Fixed initialize error.
- Fixed insert word.
- Fixed kind in find source.
- Fixed line source behavior.
- Fixed loop cursor up behavior.
- Fixed narrowing behavior.
- Fixed parse options.
- Fixed print message behavior.
- Fixed print message.
- Fixed quit session behavior.
- Fixed redraw all candiates behavior.
- Fixed redraw_all_candidates().
- Fixed resume bug.
- Fixed resume error.
- Fixed set syntax.
- Fixed source kind action.
- Fixed source source.
- Fixed start action.
- Fixed start_insert problem in complete source.
- Fixed statusline.
- Fixed syntax file.
- Fixed temporary buffer behavior.
- Fixed unite action loading problem.
- Fixed unite#custom_source().
- Fixed unite#get_default_action().
- Fixed unite#get_sources().
- Fixed unite-menu behavior.
- Fixed wrap behavior.
- Implemented recache system automatically in file_rec(/async) sources.
- Improved adjustment behavior.
- Improved auto split behavior.
- Improved buffer source highlight.
- Improved check plugins.
- Improved default substitute pattern.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved file_rec behavior.
- Improved file_rec converter.
- Improved for getting filetime.
- Improved grep actions behavior.
- Improved here behavior.
- Improved ignore_pattern behavior in file_rec source.
- Improved input().
- Improved insert action.
- Improved is_listed action behavior.
- Improved lcd for vimfiler.
- Improved line source behavior.
- Improved message behavior.
- Improved name search.
- Improved narrow action behavior.
- Improved print message behavior.
- Improved process source.
- Improved profile behavior.
- Improved redraw status behavior.
- Improved redraw status line.
- Improved sorter_rank behavior.
- Improved tab source.
- Improved temporary buffer behavior.
- Improved truncate behavior.
- Improved unite buffer source.
- Improved unite menu behavior.
- Improved unite#mappings#do_action().
- Improved unite#start_complete().
- Improved unite#util#is_cmdwin().
- Improved unite-menu source.
- Improved update behavior.
- Optimised sorter_rank.
- Print default action in action source.
- Refactorred mappings.vim.
- Save previous winwidth and winheight.
- Set default_kind attribute in sources.
- Set is_multi_line in output source.
- Set sorter_nothing in menu source.
- Uniq in file_rec initialization.
- Use trashbox automatically in delete action.
unite.vim-4.0.zip 4.0 2012-09-01 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added -auto-quit option.
- Added -keep-focus option.
- Added <Plug>(unite_cursor_bottom) keymapping.
- Added diff action in kind file.
- Added directory and directory/new source.
- Added documentation.
- Added file kind in grep source.
- Added g:unite_source_directory_mru_filename_format option.
- Added preview action in mapping and command sources.
- Added tabdrop action.
- Added unite#custom_source().
- Added unite#get_unite_winnr().
- Added yy mapping.
- Changed asyncronous update behavior.
- Changed default matcher in command source.
- Changed filters behavior.
- Changed ignore pattern behavior.
- Changed postfix behavior.
- Changed sources initialize behavior.
- Delete old cache files.
- Deleted Japanese documentation.
- Deleted debug message.
- Deleted yank action in history/yank.
- Delted obsolute changelog.
- Merged English documentation(Thanks akiradeveloper!).
- Move to new directory position when vimfiler__mkdir action.
- Optimised load scripts.
- Optimized filters.
- Optimized redraw candidates.
- Revised documentation.
- Set is_multiline in grep and line source.
- Setlocal nomodified.
- Split automatically when &l:modified && !&l:hidden.
- Splitted session source.
- Supported over 4GB files.
- Supported protocol copy.
- Supported unite-ssh.
unite-3.1.zip 3.1 2012-05-06 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added -here option.
- Added -hide-source-names option.
- Added -max-multi-lines option.
- Added -no-cursor-line option.
- Added -no-empty option.
- Added -silent option.
- Added -update-time and -cursor-line-high-light options.
- Added :UniteClose command.
- Added abbr_head.
- Added complete attribute.
- Added file_new source.
- Added g:unite_kind_file_use_trashbox option.
- Added g:unite_source_find_ignore_pattern and g:unite_source_grep_ignore_pattern options.
- Added g:unite_source_grep_search_word_highlight option.
- Added g:unite_source_history_yank_file option.
- Added goto action in buffer kind.
- Added i_<Plug>(unite_redraw) mapping.
- Added insert_directory action.
- Added matcher_hide_hidden_files filter.
- Added on_pre_filter hook.
- Added preview action in window and tab action.
- Added rec_parent and rec_parent/async actions.
- Added sorter_rank filter and changed default sorter.
- Added source complete functions.
- Added spec file.
- Added unite#do_candidates_action().
- Added unite#get_candidates().
- Added unite#print_source_error() api.
- Added unite#print_source_message() api.
- Added unite-source-attribute-parents.
- Added util function.
- Added wunix action.
- Changed -hide-source-names option behavior.
- Changed <Plug>(unite_print_candidate) behavior.
- Changed default sorter.
- Changed for new vimfiler interface.
- Changed g:unite_source_file_rec_min_cache_files behavior.
- Changed quick match syntax.
- Changed timer timing.
- Changed uri kind behavior.
- Deleted noautocmd.
- Detect errors in file_rec/async source.
- Does not cd in vimfiler__mkdir action.
- Don't use termencoding.
- Don't use wincmd p.
- Fixed -auto-preview behavior.
- Fixed -toggle option.
- Fixed :match error.
- Fixed <ESC> mapping.
- Fixed <Plug>(unite_insert_head) mapping.
- Fixed E325 problem.
- Fixed InsertLeave problem.
- Fixed a bit.
- Fixed autocmd problem.
- Fixed buffer rename.
- Fixed cd action behavior.
- Fixed complete behavior.
- Fixed complete problem.
- Fixed dest_drive error.
- Fixed directory_mru syntax pattern.
- Fixed documentation.
- Fixed execute problem.
- Fixed expand error.
- Fixed expand input bug.
- Fixed expand problem.
- Fixed expand() problem.
- Fixed expand().
- Fixed external cd.
- Fixed external command bug.
- Fixed file operation.
- Fixed file_mru autocmd event.
- Fixed file_mru behavior.
- Fixed file_rec/async source.
- Fixed find and grep source behavior.
- Fixed find source input bug.
- Fixed for UNC path.
- Fixed for cmdwin.
- Fixed for long file path.
- Fixed for vimfiler initialize.
- Fixed for vimfiler source.
- Fixed for vimfiler.
- Fixed for yank_history source error.
- Fixed gather_candidates().
- Fixed grep action.
- Fixed grep source behavior.
- Fixed grep source error.
- Fixed grep source.
- Fixed highlight group bug.
- Fixed highlight problem.
- Fixed highlight.
- Fixed history/yank source limit.
- Fixed iconv() bug.
- Fixed ignore key sequence behavior.
- Fixed initialize context.
- Fixed initialize vimfiler candidates.
- Fixed is_win error.
- Fixed kind problem.
- Fixed make directory action.
- Fixed matcher_fuzzy behavior.
- Fixed move_to_other_drive behavior.
- Fixed move_to_other_drive error.
- Fixed mru sources behavior.
- Fixed parse path.
- Fixed path bug in Windows.
- Fixed persist_open action.
- Fixed quick match bug.
- Fixed quick match.
- Fixed rank sorter.
- Fixed rename behavior.
- Fixed rename problem.
- Fixed required_pattern_length problem.
- Fixed restore cursor in actions.
- Fixed restore updatetime.
- Fixed resume_from_temporary().
- Fixed set winfixheight problem.
- Fixed source completion.
- Fixed source line.
- Fixed substitute patterns list.
- Fixed truncate bug.
- Fixed unite buffer behavior.
- Fixed unite history/input source error.
- Fixed unite history/yank and register sources.
- Fixed unite#get_candidates() behavior.
- Fixed unite#get_candidates().
- Fixed unite#get_sources() error.
- Fixed unite#set_buffer_name_option() error.
- Fixed unite#vimfiler_check_filetype().
- Fixed unite-action error.
- Fixed updatetime error.
- Fixed updatetime restore problem.
- Fixed updatetime.
- Fixed uri kind.
- Fixed vimfiler action error.
- Fixed vimfiler redraw bug.
- Fixed vimfiler__shell action.
- Fixed vimshell action.
- Force use glob().
- Ignore directories in file_mru source.
- Ignore invalid path in file source.
- Implemented OR matching.
- Implemented boundary matched sort.
- Implemented keyword highlight.
- Implemented profile instead of buffer_name option.
- Implemented use ls command when gather candidates(experimental).
- Improved :UniteResume behavior.
- Improved UniteWithInput behavior.
- Improved buflisted().
- Improved cd behavior.
- Improved change source.
- Improved check MRU path.
- Improved check command line window.
- Improved check default action.
- Improved common action behavior.
- Improved completion source.
- Improved cursor move behavior.
- Improved detect find command.
- Improved detect source and action error.
- Improved error check.
- Improved error detection.
- Improved error detecton when call hook.
- Improved escape filename.
- Improved expand bookmark name.
- Improved file rename behavior.
- Improved file_mru and directory_mru default setting.
- Improved file_rec and file_rec/async sources features.
- Improved file_rec filtering behavior.
- Improved filename completion.
- Improved for vimfiler.
- Improved get asyncronous candidates behavior.
- Improved glob().
- Improved grep source behavior.
- Improved grep source.
- Improved history/yank source.
- Improved ignore pattern.
- Improved initialize candidates.
- Improved input highlight patterns.
- Improved is_multiline behavior.
- Improved jump source.
- Improved jump_list kind.
- Improved jump_list preview action.
- Improved line source.
- Improved load_default_scripts().
- Improved long abbr behavior.
- Improved mapping source.
- Improved matcher_fuzzy behavior.
- Improved matcher_hidden_files filter.
- Improved mru default time format.
- Improved newfile action.
- Improved padding.
- Improved parse path in file source.
- Improved persist_open action.
- Improved quick match syntax.
- Improved rank sorter behavior.
- Improved redraw candidates.
- Improved register source.
- Improved rename action.
- Improved split patterns.
- Improved substitute path separator.
- Improved substitute tab characters.
- Improved sudo check.
- Improved sudo detection.
- Improved unite find input.
- Improved unite register source.
- Improved unite#_resize_window().
- Improved unite#get_context() implementation.
- Improved unite#mappings#do_action().
- Improved unite-grep behavior.
- Improved variables initialization.
- Improved version check.
- Improved vimfiler initialization.
- Improved vimfiler__mkdir action.
- Improved window resize.
- Refactored is_windows.
- Save cache files in file_rec and file_rec/async sources.
- Set kind action_table.
- Supported ack command in grep source.
- Syntax case ignore.
- Updated vital.
- Use find or dir command instead of ls.
- Use vimproc#read_dir() (experimental).
- set winfixwidth and winfixheight.
unite.vim-3.0.zip 3.0 2011-11-21 7.2 Shougo Matsushita - Added -create option.
- Added -quick-match option.
- Added -toggle option.
- Added :UniteSessionLoad command.
- Added <Plug>(unite_all_exit) mapping.
- Added <Plug>(unite_quick_match_choose_action) mapping.
- Added <Plug>(unite_toggle_max_candidates) mapping.
- Added alias source.
- Added bang in buffer source.
- Added buffer name limitation.
- Added documentation.
- Added file_rec vimfiler interface.
- Added find source.
- Added g:unite_source_session_enable_auto_save.
- Added g:unite_source_session_options variable.
- Added guicmd kind.
- Added history/yank source.
- Added is_listed attribute.
- Added is_matched and keymappings.
- Added is_multiline attribute.
- Added is_multiline documentation.
- Added launcher source.
- Added matcher_fuzzy.
- Added matcher_migemo filter.
- Added nested autocmd.
- Added preview action in common kind.
- Added process source.
- Added register delete action.
- Added register edit action.
- Added session source.
- Added sorter_reverse filter.
- Added tabopen mappings.
- Added unite process candidates alias.
- Added unite-menu source.
- Added vimfiler_dummy_candidates().
- Changed -immediately behavior.
- Changed a bit.
- Changed a default keymapping behavior.
- Changed file_mru and directory_mru default filename.
- Changed g:unite_source_bookmark_file to g:unite_source_bookmark_directory.
- Changed g:unite_source_menu_menus interface.
- Changed g:unite_update_time default value.
- Check obsolute option.
- Detect sudo vim.
- Escape [].
- Expand path.
- Fixed :VimShellPop bug.
- Fixed alias table syntax sugar.
- Fixed auto preview.
- Fixed auto_resize and auto_preview behavior.
- Fixed bookmark check.
- Fixed buffer rename action.
- Fixed copy and move behavior.
- Fixed copy/delete action.
- Fixed current unite bug.
- Fixed default mapping.
- Fixed end problem.
- Fixed examples.
- Fixed expand path.
- Fixed file actions.
- Fixed file_mru filter.
- Fixed file_rec/async ignore pattern.
- Fixed find source.
- Fixed for yanktmp.
- Fixed g:unite_source_file_mru_ignore_pattern.
- Fixed g:unite_source_file_rec_ignore_pattern escape.
- Fixed get buffer name input.
- Fixed grep source.
- Fixed input error.
- Fixed jump_point.
- Fixed keymapping.
- Fixed mapping and file_rec source.
- Fixed mark error.
- Fixed new file action.
- Fixed overwrite hooks error.
- Fixed quit unite buffer.
- Fixed s:check_over_write() behavior.
- Fixed search unite buffer.
- Fixed source change.
- Fixed source file for vimfiler.
- Fixed source syntax highlight.
- Fixed unite action source.
- Fixed unite alias.
- Fixed unite buffer delete.
- Fixed unite launcher source.
- Fixed unite mappings source.
- Fixed unite on_buf_unload error.
- Fixed unite resume.
- Fixed unite toggle.
- Fixed unite#mappings#do_action().
- Fixed unite#print_error() error.
- Fixed unite#resume().
- Fixed unite#vimfiler_check_filetype() error message.
- Fixed unite-bookmark.
- Fixed unite-line source.
- Fixed unite-mappings.
- Fixed unite-menu.
- Fixed unite-register error.
- Fixed unite-source.
- Fixed variables initialize.
- Fixed vimfiler actions.
- Fixed vimfiler cd action.
- Fixed vimfiler cd error.
- Fixed vimfiler error.
- Fixed vimfiler file source.
- Fixed vimfiler_gather_candidates().
- Fixed visible dot file error.
- For Vim 7.2 or above.
- Implemented -no-split option.
- Implemented action_table syntax sugar.
- Implemented copy and delete and move action.
- Implemented file_rec vimfiler interface.
- Implemented previewd_buffer_list.
- Implemented unite#mappings#set_current_filters().
- Implemented unite#start_complete().
- Implemented vimfiler actions.
- Implemented vimfiler completion interface.
- Implemented vimfiler interface.
- Implemented vimfiler write interface.
- Improved :UniteResume.
- Improved action name.
- Improved alias.
- Improved automatically session.
- Improved buffer abbr.
- Improved buffer name behavior.
- Improved buffer name option behavior.
- Improved buffer source.
- Improved buffer view.
- Improved check filetype.
- Improved choose action.
- Improved cursor move.
- Improved file operations for vimfiler.
- Improved file operations.
- Improved file_point source.
- Improved file_rec word.
- Improved history/yank and register source.
- Improved history/yank source behavior.
- Improved initialize candidates.
- Improved insert word action.
- Improved launcher source.
- Improved overwrite method.
- Improved process view.
- Improved quick match behavior.
- Improved quit unite buffer.
- Improved recache_candidates().
- Improved redraw behavior.
- Improved redraw.
- Improved register and history/yank source.
- Improved register source.
- Improved s:convert2dictionary().
- Improved session load.
- Improved source file sort.
- Improved source kind description.
- Improved syntax highlight.
- Improved unite async redraw.
- Improved unite buffer source.
- Improved unite mapping source.
- Improved unite session behavior.
- Improved unite#sources#file#create_vimfiler_dict().
- Improved unite#start().
- Improved unite#vimfiler_check_filetype().
- Improved unite-bookmark.
- Improved unite-line.
- Improved unite-menu examples.
- Improved unite-resume behavior.
- Improved unite-source behavior.
- Improved update time.
- Improved vimfiler actions.
- Improved vimfiler cd.
- Improved vimfiler file source.
- Improved vimfiler interface.
- Optimized for vimfiler.
- Refactoringed local variable names.
- Renamed cd and lcd options.
- Skip don't exist file in jump_point source.
- Supported kind list(experimental).
- Supported list substitute pattern.
- Supported on_pre_init hook in alias source.
- Updated vital.vim.
- source process supported Windows.
unite-2.2.zip 2.2 2011-08-29 7.0 Shougo Matsushita zipped version.
unite-2.2.vba.vmb 2.2 2011-08-25 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added -auto-resize option.
- Added <Plug>(unite_narrowing_input_history) keymapping.
- Added <Plug>(unite_toggle_auto_preview) keymapping.
- Added change source.
- Added converter_relative_abbr and converter_relative_word.
- Added file_point source and uri kind.
- Added file_rec/async source.
- Added jump source.
- Added jump_point source.
- Added source kind.
- Added unite#custom_max_candidates().
- Asynchronous file_rec source(experimental).
- Changed default prompt.
- Deleted <ESC> default mapping.
- Detect command line buffer.
- Fixed args problem.
- Fixed arguments parse.
- Fixed buffer source error.
- Fixed change_candidates().
- Fixed documentation.
- Fixed fatal mru bug.
- Fixed file actions.
- Fixed file_rec path problem.
- Fixed file_rec relative path.
- Fixed file_rec/async source.
- Fixed filter description.
- Fixed for colorcolumn.
- Fixed for cursorline.
- Fixed jump_list kind.
- Fixed narrowing problem.
- Fixed on_close call timing.
- Fixed preview action in completion kind.
- Fixed preview problems.
- Fixed recache candidates.
- Fixed resource leak in grep source.
- Fixed s:print_buffer().
- Fixed source args parse.
- Fixed unite#clear_message().
- Fixed unite#start() description.
- Fixed windows restore.
- Implemented abbreviation argument.
- Implemented default_action syntax sugar.
- Improved <Plug>(unite_insert_leave) keymapping.
- Improved async.
- Improved autocmd.
- Improved buffer and file_mru source abbr.
- Improved command line buffer detect.
- Improved command-line window detection.
- Improved context source.
- Improved converter_relative.
- Improved cursor down/up behavior.
- Improved cursor line.
- Improved delete backword path keymapping.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved file_rec source.
- Improved file_rec.
- Improved g:unite_abbr_highlight default value.
- Improved grep source behavior.
- Improved matcher.
- Improved matcher_regexp filter.
- Improved mru filtering.
- Improved mru.
- Improved on InsertEnter.
- Improved quick match.
- Improved quit session.
- Improved redraw.
- Improved relative converters.
- Improved restore position.
- Improved source action_table description.
- Improved substitute pattern.
- Improved toggle mark.
- Improved unite#print_message() and unite#clear_message() behavior.
- Improved unite-grep source.
- Initialize ignorecase and smartcase value in files buffer.
- Kind file inherited uri kind.
- Optimized source line.
- Optimized unite-file.
- Set max candidates in line source.
- Supported null args.
- Use new vimproc function.
unite-ver.2.1.vba 2.1 2011-07-05 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Added -verbose option.
- Added <Plug>(unite_narrowing_path) keymapping.
- Added <Plug>(unite_toggle_mark_all_candidates) keymapping.
- Added <Plug>(unite_toggle_selected_candidates) keymapping.
- Added direction argument in source lines.
- Added file action in cdable kind.
- Added g:unite_source_file_rec_min_cache_files option.
- Added grep source(Thanks Sixeight).
- Added line source.
- Added matcher_regexp filter.
- Added pattern highlight in unite-grep.
- Added persist_open action.
- Added rename action.
- Added replace action in jump_list kind.
- Added resume source.
- Changed insert mode mappings.
- Changed lines and grep filters.
- Deleted l default keymapping.
- Deleted search pattern.
- Don't follow symbolic link in file_rec source.
- Fixed :UniteResume error.
- Fixed caching bug.
- Fixed choose_action.
- Fixed directory_mru error.
- Fixed example.
- Fixed for syntax case.
- Fixed hlsearch.
- Fixed initialize error.
- Fixed initialize unite bug.
- Fixed is_redraw flag.
- Fixed kind command.
- Fixed path separator problem in unite-file.
- Fixed preview action.
- Fixed quit unite buffer problem.
- Fixed recaching.
- Fixed switch_unite_buffer().
- Fixed syntax error.
- Fixed unite-buffer-name problem.
- Fixed unite-register freeze.
- Improved "e" mapping.
- Improved alias in choose action.
- Improved autocmd.
- Improved cursor move behavior.
- Improved detect error in mru.
- Improved error highlight.
- Improved file source discription.
- Improved file_mru.
- Improved file_rec source.
- Improved g:unite_enable_start_insert option.
- Improved insert enter mappings.
- Improved kind tab.
- Improved matcher.
- Improved narrow action.
- Improved preview action in jump_list.
- Improved redraw flag.
- Improved redraw.
- Improved s:recache_candidates().
- Improved unite -immediately behavior.
- Improved unite buffer initialize.
- Improved unite#print_error().
- Improved unite-grep.
- Supported redraw in source lines.
- Updated vital.vim.
unite-2.0.vba 2.0 2011-05-01 7.0 Shougo Matsushita - Add '..' directory in unite source.
- Add history in kind command.
- Added --no-start-insert option.
- Added -immediately option.
- Added -vertical, -horizontal, -direction options.
- Added <Plug>(unite_delete_backward_path) keymapping.
- Added <Plug>(unite_restart) keymapping.
- Added README.
- Added col and completion option.
- Added command source.
- Added completion kind.
- Added default matcher.
- Added edit action in command kind.
- Added filter help.
- Added from field in action.
- Added g:unite_cursor_line_highlight and g:unite_abbr_highlight options.
- Added g:unite_source_file_rec_ignore_pattern option.
- Added ignorecase and smartcase buffer_name options.
- Added is_async context flag.
- Added matcher_default, sorter_default, converter_default.
- Added no-current option in window and tab source.
- Added output source.
- Added post_filter hook.
- Added sorter_word.
- Added unite#set_buffer_name_option() help.
- Added unite#version().
- Added unite-source-attribute-source__ description.
- Caching file_rec source.
- Changed :UniteWithInputDirectory behavior.
- Changed available_xxx API names to get_xxx.
- Changed file_rec message format.
- Changed input_gather_candidates() to change_candidates().
- Changed on_close timing.
- Changed unite#loaded_source_names_with_args().
- Changed volatile source.
- Changed yank action.
- Chomp last /.
- Deleted :NeoComplCacheCachingBuffer.
- Deleted highlight off.
- Deleted unused tag.
- Don't save directory in file_mru.
- Fixed :NeoComplCacheCachingBuffer error.
- Fixed :UniteResume bug.
- Fixed auto preview bug.
- Fixed buffer source.
- Fixed choose action.
- Fixed choose_action documentation.
- Fixed completion kind.
- Fixed context bug.
- Fixed default action bug.
- Fixed escape jump_list.
- Fixed file_mru error.
- Fixed file_rec index.
- Fixed file_rec path problem.
- Fixed filtering bug.
- Fixed fnamemodify().
- Fixed get action table bug.
- Fixed help.
- Fixed highlight settings.
- Fixed highlight.
- Fixed hlsearch bug.
- Fixed is_insert error.
- Fixed is_redraw bug.
- Fixed jump_list escape.
- Fixed kind completion bug.
- Fixed narrowing action.
- Fixed narrowing bugs.
- Fixed priority sort bug.
- Fixed quick match bug.
- Fixed quick match error.
- Fixed redraw buffer source bug.
- Fixed redraw candidates bug.
- Fixed set search pattern.
- Fixed sidescrolloff problem.
- Fixed source file path problem.
- Fixed source register max width.
- Fixed substitute input.
- Fixed unite buffer name.
- Fixed unite source.
- Fixed unite#custom_filters() bug.
- Fixed unite#custom_filters() error.
- Fixed unite#get_default_action().
- Fixed unite-command.
- Fixed unite-register freeze bug.
- Fixed version number.
- Ignore invalid action.
- Implemented -auto-preview option.
- Implemented asynchronous get candidates.
- Implemented auto mkdir().
- Implemented buffer name filters.
- Implemented dummy candidates.
- Implemented filters.
- Implemented input_gather_candidates().
- Implemented mapping source.
- Implemented mkdir action.
- Implemented position restore.
- Implemented preview window check.
- Implemented sorter and matcher.
- Implemented source highlight.
- Implemented unite action source.
- Implemented unite#clear_message().
- Implemented unite#print_message().
- Implemented vimfiler and tabvimfiler actions.
- Improved args.
- Improved auto preview behavior.
- Improved auto preview.
- Improved buffer abbr.
- Improved command action.
- Improved command narrow action.
- Improved command source.
- Improved completion kind.
- Improved context.
- Improved default substitute pattern.
- Improved delete buffer action.
- Improved directory_mru source.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved file source.
- Improved file_mru source.
- Improved file_rec path.
- Improved file_rec source.
- Improved highlight off.
- Improved initialize sources.
- Improved initialize.
- Improved insert leave.
- Improved jump_list.
- Improved loop cursor down/up.
- Improved narrowing behavior.
- Improved normal mode redraw.
- Improved quick match message.
- Improved redraw.
- Improved rotate sources.
- Improved sort.
- Improved source arguments description.
- Improved source file dummy candidates.
- Improved source file.
- Improved syntax.
- Improved traverse message in file_rec source.
- Improved truncate.
- Improved unite action.
- Improved unite#print_error() and unite#print_message().
- Improved unite-command.
- Improved unite-output.
- Improved unite-register.
- Ommitable candidates source name.
- Optimized initialization.
- Refactored buffer name options.
- Renamed unite#custom_filter() to unite#custom_filters().
- Set cpoptions.
- Supported neocomplcache manual completion.
- Supported yanktmp in register source.
- Use strdisplaywidth().
- gather_candidates attribute is optional.
unite-1.0.vba 1.0 2011-01-09 7.0 Shougo Matsushita Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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