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zazen : a dark grey colorscheme based on zenesque

 script karma  Rating 36/18, Downloaded by 2807  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Zoltan Dezso
script type
color scheme
A very minimal dark/grey color scheme based on zenesque (vimscript#3340). Zazen only includes the dark version with slightly modified shades and minimal coloring. Shades and colors were adjusted to give priority to elements that might be regarded as more more important (although that might be different for different people).

As of version 1.1, both GUI and 256-color terminals are supported.

Screenshot (GUI version): http://img5.imageshack.us/i/zazen.png/

Screenshot (terminal version): http://imageshack.us/f/850/zazen11.png/
install details
Copy zazen.vim to your colors directory and switch to it with :colorscheme zazen (or select zazen from the Edit->Colorscheme menu) or in your vimrc.

If you are using pathogen or vundle, the colorscheme can be found on github: http://github.com/zaki/zazen

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
zazen.vim 1.1.2 2012-09-04 7.0 Zoltan Dezso * Minor update to make SpecialKey more subtle
zazen.vim 1.1.1 2011-07-27 7.0 Zoltan Dezso * Added taglist colors
* Fixed cterm colors that were using italic
zazen.vim 1.1 2011-06-06 7.0 Zoltan Dezso Added 256-color terminal support
zazen.vim 1.0.2 2011-05-14 7.0 Zoltan Dezso Minor tweak to make ColorColumn more subtle
zazen.vim 1.0.1 2011-03-30 7.0 Zoltan Dezso Colored diff and slight tone changes.
zazen.vim 1.0 2011-01-21 7.0 Zoltan Dezso Initial upload
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