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pep8 : A Python filetype plugin to check pep8 convention.

 script karma  Rating 23/8, Downloaded by 2241  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

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Before use, please make sure below.

- vim is compiled with python.
- put pep8 somewhere to be visible from this.

URL: http://github.com/jbking/vim-pep8

Thanks to pyflakes.vim (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2441). Almost inspired from you.
install details
1. Put this plug-in into your plug-in directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
pep8.zip 0.5 2011-10-04 7.0 MURAOKA Yusuke Code clarify and some bug fixes and features.
pep8.zip 0.4.1 2011-03-26 7.0 MURAOKA Yusuke ignore occurring errors by empty line
pep8.zip 0.4 2011-03-25 7.0 MURAOKA Yusuke - Fix newlines in pep8 returns causing status message to not display.
- Ignore stderr of pep8 output.
pep8.zip 0.3 2011-02-02 7.0 MURAOKA Yusuke - Caching pep8 report. So, checking at unchanged must be fast finished. Thanks to OrderedDict.
- Share a checker instance over buffers.
- Simplify code...
pep8.zip 0.2 2011-01-31 7.0 MURAOKA Yusuke Fixed a bug related to display pep8 error message.
Split python code of this plug-in into a module from vim-script.
pep8.vim 0.1 2011-01-30 7.0 MURAOKA Yusuke Initial upload
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