codepath.vim : A function for your root project path
script karma |
Rating 0/0,
Downloaded by 1626 |
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created by |
Luca Pette |
script type |
utility |
description |
codepath.vim is a plugin that provides a simple function to obtain your code
path directory if you have one. The concept is simple: I have a dir located
in $HOME/code where i store all my projects and I want to set current project
directory as root directory for plug-in like NERDTree and CommandT.
It provides a function you can use in the following ways:
nnoremap <silent> <F4> :NERDTreeToggle `=codepath#path()`<cr>
inoremap <silent> <F4> <Esc>:NERDTreeToggle `=codepath#path()` <cr>
map <silent> <C-T> :CommandT <c-r>=codepath#path()<CR><CR>
imap <silent> <C-T> <ESC>:CommandT <c-r>=codepath#path()<CR><CR> |
install details |
Unzip it into your $HOME/.vim/plugin |
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