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bitly.vim : utility for bit.ly

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lastest version is https://github.com/basyura/bitly.vim


CONTENTS *bitly-contents*

Introduction |bitly-introduction|
Install |bitly-install|
Variables |bitly-variables|
Usage |bitly-usage|

INTRODUCTION *bitly-introduction*

bitly.vim is a library of bit.ly.
support API version 3.0

  bit.ly is a utility that allows users to shorten a long URL, share it,
  and then track the resulting usage. (http://bit.ly/)

  bit.ly exposes its data via an Application Programming Interface (API),
  so developers can interact in a programmatic way with the bit.ly website.

bitly.vim bundles webapi-vim.

INSTALL *bitly-install*

Install the distributed files into Vim script directory which is usually
~/.vim/, or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows.

VARIABLES *bitly-variables*

g:bitly_login *g:bitly_login*
bit.ly login id.
if you want to use your login id , set this.

g:bitly_api_key *g:bitly_api_key*
bit.ly api key.
if you want to use your api key , set this.

USAGE *bitly-usage*


this method returns a short one.
return is a dict that converted from xml.
xml format is written in api document.
let info = bitly#shorten('http://google.com')
echo info.status_code "=> 200
echo info.status_txt  "=> OK
echo info.url         "=> http://bit.ly/gzJQrA
echo info.global_hash "=> zzzzzzz
echo info.long_url    "=> http://google.com
echo info.new_hash    "=> 1

this method returns back the target url.
this method returns dict or list that converted from xml.
xml format is written in api document.
let expand = bitly#expand('http://bit.ly/fHgr3a')
call expand.status_code "=> 200
call expand.long_url    "=> http://basyura.org
call expand.short_url   "=> http://bit.ly/fHgr3a

let expands = bitly#expand(
\ ['http://bit.ly/fHgr3a' , 'http://bit.ly/g2n8tN'])
call expands[0].status_code "=> 200
call expands[0].long_url    "=> http://basyura.org
call expands[0].short_url   "=> http://bit.ly/fHgr3a
call expands[1].status_code "=> 200
call expands[1].long_url    "=> http://google.com
call expands[1].short_url   "=> http://bit.ly/g2n8tN

this method returns statistics list about the clicks on that link.
return is converted from xml.
xml format is written in api document.
let clicks = bitly#clicks('http://bit.ly/fHgr3a')

this method returns a list of referring sites
for a specified bit.ly short link,
and the number of clicks per referrer.
return is converted from xml.
xml format is written in api document.
let referrers = bitly#referrers('http://bit.ly/djZ9g4')
for v in referrers
  if has_key(v , 'referrer')
    echo v.referrer . ' ' . v.clicks
    echo v.referrer_app . ' ' . v.clicks

for v in bitly#countries('http://bit.ly/djZ9g4')
  echo v.country . ' ' . v.clicks

install details

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
bitly.vim.zip 1.0 2011-03-01 7.0 basyura Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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