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bad apple : bad apple - vim ver

 script karma  Rating 185/61, Downloaded by 4498  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ran Bi
script type
original video:

Yet another Bad Apple doujin
install details
unzip it anywhere, open GVIM in that folder, type
:so badapple.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
badApple.zip 0.71 2013-01-22 7.0 Ran Bi Zip version, in case you don't have 7z.
badApple.7z 0.7 2011-03-18 7.0 Ran Bi using jp2a util to convert jpeg image into ascii file. Contains much larger char set, which produces much better single frame quality(hopefully). To reduce storage, it decreases frame rate. Looks fluent when sleep time is less than 70ms between two frames. Any requirement, email me
badApple.zip 0.6 2011-03-02 7.0 Ran Bi higher resolution
four character based grey scale
Please use gvim instead of vim to run this and latter version
badapple.zip 0.51 2011-03-02 7.0 Ran Bi change file format to unix.
badapple.zip 0.5 2011-03-01 7.0 Ran Bi Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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